Small tool to automate the retrieval of XML data from all your Rimworld mods and export as delimited .txt file.
Useful if you have a lot of mods and want to get them into a spreadsheet.
Settings for
- import/export locations
- edit delimiter
- exclude folders / files by name
Run the .exe, and select menu options with numbers
Run the main function of the tool. You should supply:
- folder path for the files: Top level folder containing all your RIMWORLD files. The search will run through all subfolders, so if in doubt, go up to the hightest level.
- export path for output
- tag name: the program will look for instances of the tag, there are often multiple examples in one file. The child tags are defined in the next step.
- property names: child tags of the above, things like label, cost, description. note: properties with children of their own will be included as comma seperated values. Currently this only works up to one level of nesting.
Under settings you can change:
- the delimiter of the output (default is ;)
- add/remove terms to exclude from search (the program won't check a file if its filepath contains one of these terms)