Kubeadm install of kubernetes on a basic Arch install
- This might not work on your arch install, since it likely varies.
- Swap needs to be off
- Arch pacstrap, for reference
pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware vim iwd sudo networkmanager intel-ucode
./homelab-kubernetes <master|join|uninstall>
Calico config: ./calico/custom-resources.yaml
containerd-net: ./containerd/10-containerd-net.conflist
Init Script: ./scripts/init_cluster.sh
Some may have config specified via env variables like this $VARIABLE, they can be subsitituted via envsubst
or simialar
SSL Certificate manager
Basic docker registry deployment
Namecheap dynamic-dns deployment
Basic flannel config, not used since I'm using calico
NGINX ingress controller
Storage setup, pv, and storage class
- Nodeport ingress seems to stall when hoping from one node to the next, this causes issues with, for example, a deployed docker registry if the host you are connecting to differs from the one the registry is runnning on
- Maybe an issue with calico?