Provides your cookbooks with the Artifact Deploy LWRP
- Chef 10
Deploys a collection of build artifacts packaged into a tar ball. Artifacts are extracted from the package and managed in a deploy directory in the same fashion you've seen in the Opscode deploy resource or Capistrano's default deploy strategy.
Action | Description | Default |
deploy | Deploy the artifact package | Yes |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
artifact_name | Name of the artifact package to deploy | String | name |
artifact_location | URL, local path, or Maven identifier of the artifact package to download | String | |
deploy_to | Deploy directory where releases are stored and linked | String | |
version | Version of the artifact being deployed | String | |
owner | Owner of files created and modified | String | |
group | Group of files created and modified | String | |
environment | An environment hash used by resources within the provider | Hash | |
symlinks | A hash that maps files in the shared directory to their paths in the current release | Hash | |
shared_directories | Directories to be created in the shared folder | Array | %w{ log pids } |
before_migrate | A proc containing resources to be executed before the migration Proc | Proc | |
after_migrate | A proc containing resources to be executed after the migration Proc | Proc | |
migrate | A proc containing resources to be executed during the migration stage | Proc | |
restart_proc | A proc containing resources to be executed at the end of a successful deploy | Proc | |
before_symlink | A proc containing resources to be executed before the symlinks are created | Proc | |
force | Forcefully deploy an artifact even if the artifact has already been deployed | Boolean | false |
should_migrate | Notify the provider if it should perform application migrations | Boolean | false |
keep | Specify a number of artifacts deployments to keep on disk | Integer | 2 |
artifact_deploy "pvpnet" do
version "1.0.0"
artifact_location ""
deploy_to "/srv/pvpnet"
owner "riot"
group "riot"
environment { 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production' }
shared_directories %w{ data log pids system vendor_bundle assets }
before_migrate {
template "#{shared_path}/database.yml" do
source "database.yml.erb"
owner node[:merlin][:owner]
group node[:merlin][:group]
mode "0644"
:environment => environment,
:options => database_options
execute "bundle install --local --path=vendor/bundle --without test development cucumber --binstubs" do
environment { 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production' }
user "riot"
group "riot"
migrate {
execute "bundle exec rake db:migrate" do
environment { 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production' }
user "riot"
group "riot"
after_migrate {
ruby_block "remove_run_migrations" do
block do"Migrations were run, removing role[pvpnet_run_migrations]")
restart_proc {
bluepill_service 'pvpnet-unicorn' do
action :restart
keep 2
should_migrate true(node[:pvpnet][:should_migrate] ? true : false)
force (node[:pvpnet][:force_deploy] ? true : false)
action :deploy
Install the prerequisite gems
$ gem install chef $ gem install thor
Increment the version number in the metadata.rb file
Run the Thor release task to create a tag and push to the community site
$ thor release
Author:: Jamie Winsor (
Copyright 2012, Riot Games
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.