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Releases: passbolt/mobile-passbolt-ios


20 Apr 13:19
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  • Support for folders


  • Application responsiveness


  • Introduced coroutines support
  • Introduced SwiftUI support


20 Apr 13:18
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  • Resource list filters (Owned, Shared, Modified, Favorite)
  • Application update check


  • Resolved issue of resource adding button not displaying in empty resources lists


  • Refactor localizable strings
  • Reorganize image assets
  • Rework error handling
  • Added Features container context
  • Added support for SwiftUI


01 Feb 14:34
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Passbolt 1.3.0 release notes


  • View presenting application logs allowing to share it easily
  • Help menu in multiple contexts allowing access to logs and quick link to help page
  • Quick account switch menu
  • Account details view allowing change local label for accounts


  • Added long loading messages appearing on loaders that take more time than expected
  • Implemented session refresh based on refresh tokens


  • Delay on scanning QR codes
  • Invalid resolve of urls on instances available under urls with additional path component
  • Local JWT token verification issues


  • Removed custom application url scheme
  • Added jailbreak detection


  • Refactor displayable strings for easier usage
  • Refactor session management


12 Nov 14:20
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[1.0.0] - 2021-10-12


  • As a mobile user I can see a splash screen when I open the application
  • As a mobile user I can see the welcome screen when I open the application and no account is setup
  • As a mobile user I can see an explanation why I cannot create an account on the mobile app.
  • As a mobile user I can see an explanation on how to connect an existing account
  • As a mobile user I can go back to the welcome screen from the “Scan QR codes screen”
  • As a mobile user I see a an error message if my phone doesn’t have a camera (or the camera is not working if possible)
  • As a mobile user I should be prompted to allow the application to use the camera
  • As a mobile user I must allow the application to use the camera in order to proceed with the setup
  • As a mobile user I must go to the settings to enable the use the camera if I have refused access first
  • As a mobile user I must scan QR codes in order to transfer my data from the web extension to the mobile
  • As a mobile user I can get help if I scan a non-passbolt QR code
  • As a mobile user I can get help during the QR code scanning process
  • As a mobile user I need to confirm to stop the QR code scanning process
  • As a mobile user I can stop the QR code scanning process
  • As a mobile user I should see a progress bar during the QR code scanning
  • As a mobile user I should see a success feedback at the end of the QR code scanning
  • As a mobile user I should see a different success feedback if the account is already linked to the device
  • As a mobile user I should see the enter my passphrase screen after I successfully scanned QR codes
  • As a mobile user I need to confirm to stop the setup process on the "enter my passphrase" step
  • As a mobile user I can stop the setup process at the "enter my passphrase" step
  • As a mobile user I can get some help if I forgot my passphrase
  • As a mobile user I can preview my passphrase
  • As a mobile user I can see a feedback message if I entered the wrong passphrase
  • As a mobile user I can see my avatar if available when entering my passphrase
  • As a mobile user I can see the default avatar (if I have not selected one) when entering my passphrase
  • As a mobile user I have an option to configure biometrics to use it instead of my passphrase
  • As a mobile user I should be able to skip the biometrics configuration
  • As a mobile user I can configure biometrics to use it instead of my passphrase
  • As a mobile user I can use biometrics instead of my passphrase
  • As a mobile user I can close the biometric check dialog if I fail to perform the biometric check
  • As a mobile user I should be able to perform a biometric check during the setup
  • As a mobile user I am informed if the biometrics of my device changed in the middle of the setup
  • As a mobile user I should be prompted to enable the settings of the Autofill during the setup process
  • As a mobile user I should be able to setup Passbolt autofill during the setup process if it is not already configured
  • As a mobile user I should not see a prompt to enable autofill in settings for passbolt during the setup process if it is already configured
  • As a mobile user I should be able to skip the Autofill configuration during the setup process
  • As a mobile user without biometrics configured I am prompted to enter my passphrase to login
  • As a mobile user I can login using biometrics
  • As a mobile user I can see an error message and retry when I fail to login with biometrics
  • As a mobile user trying to login I am informed if the biometrics of my device changed
  • As a mobile user trying to login I can see an explanation why I cannot log into my account on the mobile app when the account doesn’t exist.
  • As a mobile user I can see a list of accounts linked to my mobile application
  • As a mobile user I can add another account to my mobile application
  • As a mobile user I can remove account from my device
  • As a mobile user I can see the initial splash screen when I delete the last account on my device
  • As a mobile user who deleted the application and reinstalled the application I shouldn’t see data from the previous session.
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can access the manage account screen
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I see the search
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can switch accounts
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can see the list of passwords I have access to
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can see when the username is not defined at the resource level
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I click on a password in the list to view its details
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can see a placeholder if there are no passwords
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can refresh the list with a pull gesture
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can see a scroll bar on the right to indicate my position in the list of passwords
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I should not see the header when I scroll down a long list
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can click on the status bar to scroll back to the beginning of the list
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can view the actions drawer for a passwords I have read access for
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can close the action drawer using the close button
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can close the action drawer by clicking outside the drawer
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can put the focus on the search field
  • As a logged in mobile user I can see the result of a successful search query
  • As a logged in mobile user on the search field I can see the result of an unsuccessful search query
  • As a logged in mobile user on the search field I can go back to the homepage via the cross button
  • As a logged in mobile user on the search field I can go back to the homepage when there are no characters in the search field
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can go to the settings workspace using the bottom navigation
  • As a logged in mobile user on the settings workspace I can go to the home using bottom navigation
  • As a logged in mobile user I see a notification message when the Passbolt server is not reachable.
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can access the resource view page.
  • As a logged in mobile user on the resource display I can show or hide the password.
  • As a logged in mobile user on the resource display I cannot show or hide the password.
  • As a logged in mobile user on the resource display I can copy list items to the clipboard.
  • As a logged in mobile user on the resource display I can show or hide the resource description.
  • As a logged in mobile user on the resource display I cannot show the resource description.
  • As a logged in mobile user on the resource display I can see the rest of a long description that is higher than the screen
  • As a logged in mobile user on the resource display I can trigger the action menu and copy credentials to the clipboard.
  • As a mobile user during setup I should see a failure screen if there is a problem while scanning the QR codes (or at the end of the process)
  • As a mobile user not connected to the passbolt server I can see a message prompting me to go online
  • As a logged in mobile user I see a notification message when I do not have access to the internet
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can go the folder workspace using the button in the navigation if the feature is enabled
  • As a mobile user I cannot use passbolt autofill if there is no account configured.
  • As a mobile user I cannot use passbolt autofill if the autofill feature is not enabled in the settings.
  • As a iOS User I can trigger Autofill on a web page
  • As a mobile user I can close the autofill drawer and cancel the autofill process.
  • As a mobile user without biometrics configured I am prompted to enter my passphrase to autofill
  • As a mobile user with biometrics configured I am not prompted to enter my passphrase to autofill
  • As a mobile user with multiple accounts the currently selected account is used by default to fill credentials in an app or a web form.
  • As a mobile user with multiple accounts and none is currently selected I need to select which account to use to fill credentials in an app or a web form.
  • As a mobile user with multiple accounts and a currently selected account I can switch to another account to fill credentials in an app or a web form.
  • As a mobile user trying to autofill credential on a webpage I can see suggestions in the autofill drawer
  • As a mobile user trying to autofill credential on a mobile app I can see suggestions in the autofill drawer
  • As a logged in mobile user on the “Choose password” drawer I can fill out my credentials in a webpage
  • As a logged in iOS user on a webpage I cannot complete the autofill authentication if MFA is enabled and I didn’t enable the  “Remember this device for 40 days” option.
  • As a logged in iOS user on a webpage I cannot complete the autofill authentication if MFA is enabled and the “Remember this device for 40 days” option has expired.
  • As a logged in user on an iOS mobile app with MFA configured, on the autofill drawer I can see a message telling me to open the app when MFA is needed.
  • As a logged in mobile user on the homepage I can access the settings page
  • As a logged in mobile user on the settings page I can see the list of settings I have access to
  • As a logged in mobile user on the settings page I do not see the privacy and terms links if they are not set on the server
  • As a logged in mobile user on the settings page I can switch account
  • As a logged in mobile user on the settings page and biometric is disabled on my device, I can enable biometrics
  • As a logged in mobile user on the settings pa...
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