check_pascom is a Nagios (Icinga) check, written in go, to check the pascom cloudstack. It connects via ssh to the target system, performs automatically a number of helthchecks and returns an overall state plus multiline details.
In order to install check_pascom at your Nagios host you can either compile
the source code or use the precompiled binary for linux out of the bin/linux_amd64
directory of this repository and copy it to your Nagios plugin directory.
check_pascom connects to the pascom cloudstack using ssh keys. Three steps are nescessary:
Login via ssh to your Nagios host. Become the user which performs the checks (e.g. nagios):
su nagios -s /bin/bash
Check if this user has already a public ssh key:
cat ~/.ssh/
If so, copy it to your clipboard. If not, create one:
Login as admin on the cloudstack via ssh and become root.
Copy the ssh public key (from the previous step) to the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
on the pascom cloudstack.
Now you should be able to login via ssh to the cloudstack as root without a password. Test it with:
ssh root@my.cloudstack.hostname
If this works close the shell again and execute check_pascom on the Nagios host:
check_pascom -host my.cloudstack.hostname
You should get something like:
OK: All checks are ok
Memory is OK
Swap is OK
Ramdisk / is OK
Disk /SYSTEM is OK
Load is OK
Container pg is OK
Container controller is OK
Container mem controller is OK
Container mem pg is OK
Container mem proxy is OK
As check_pascom directly for help:
check_pascom -h