This repository holds all the programs that I have tried when I am learning how to program Microcontroller boards using Chibios. Think of it like these examples are for future me that would have forgotten how to do certain things using Chibios and in the process will be useful for other who are starting out or like me forgot the procedures.
Most of the programs work using STM32F4-Discovery
board but they can also be ported to other boards, but just make sure that the pin assignments are correct.
Here is a short explanation of all the folders in this repository along with their function.
Here is an overview of all the working examples. Some examples that are in the different repository will be linked with their path.
Folder name | Function |
ArmMathExample | A Small program that will utilize Arm math libraries to compute matrix multiplication. |
Blink_from_Thread | Example that will blink on board LEDs of STM32F4-Discovery board from Chibios threads |
Blink_LED_PWM | Uses a PWM driver to blink on board LEDs |
Breathing_LED_PWM | Uses PWM driver to simulate breathing pattern using on board LEDs. The brightness of LED will gradually increase and decrease. |
LED_blink_GPT | Uses a General Purpose Timer to blink LEDs |
PAL_Interrupt_Blink | Uses Interrupt to blink an on board LED |
PIN_switch_GPT | Uses GPT to call a function periodically. |
SerialPrint | Uses USART to print some ouput to terminal. |
SPIExample | Uses SPI to determine whether the MPU9250 is connected to the board. It just reads WHO_AM_I register on the board. |
MPU9259_C++ | The accelerometer and gyroscope values from the MPU9250 is read and sent over USB_CDC connection. C++ is used in this project. |
RosSerial_MPU9250 | Uses rosserial to send IMU data over USB_CDC connection. |
BlackSTM32F4VET_LED_Blink | Uses Black STM32F4VET6 board and blinks its on board LEDs. The board definition files were also created. |
Events_Chibios | An example that deals with Events, Listeners and Flags in Chibios. |