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Example for Firmware OTA with AWS IoT on Nuvoton's Mbed Enabled boards

This is an example to show firmware Over-The-Air (OTA) with AWS IoT service on Nuvoton's Mbed Enabled boards. It relies on the following modules:

  • Mbed OS: Is an open source embedded operating system designed specifically for the "things" in the Internet of Things.
  • AWS IoT SDK port for Mbed OS: Provides the port of the AWS IoT SDK for Mbed OS. It can be used to connect devices running Mbed OS to the AWS IoT Core service over MQTT.

Support targets

Platform Connectivity Storage for firmware OTA
NuMaker-PFM-M487 Ethernet SPI flash
NuMaker-IoT-M487 Wi-Fi ESP8266 SPI flash
NuMaker-M2354 Wi-Fi ESP8266 SD card

Support development tools

Developer guide

This section is intended for developers to get started, import the example application, compile with Mbed CLI 1, and get it running firmware OTA with AWS IoT service.

Hardware requirements

NOTE: Choose either one as example board

Software requirements

Hardware setup

  • Firmware candidate storage
    • NuMaker-IoT-M487: On-board SPI flash
    • NuMaker-M2354: Micro SD card plugged-in
  • Switch target board
    • NuMaker-IoT-M487's Nu-Link: TX/RX/VCOM to ON, MSG to non-ON
    • NuMaker-M2354's Nu-Link2: TX/RX/VCOM to ON, MSG to non-ON
  • Connect target board to host through USB
    • NuMaker-IoT-M487: No Mbed USB drive shows up in File Browser.
    • NuMaker-M2354: Mbed USB drive shows up in File Browser.

Compile with Mbed CLI 1

In the following, we take NuMaker-IoT-M487 or NuMaker-M2354 as example board to show this example.

  1. Clone the example and navigate into it

    $ git clone
    $ cd NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example
  2. Deploy necessary libraries

    $ mbed deploy
  3. Configure network interface In mbed_app.json, configure WiFi SSID/PASSWORD.

        "nsapi.default-wifi-ssid"                   : "\"SSID\"",
        "nsapi.default-wifi-password"               : "\"PASSWORD\"",
  4. In configs/aws_config.h, provide AWS connection parameters: AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT, CLIENT_IDENTIFIER, and THING_NAME.

  5. In configs/aws_credentials.c, provide relevant AWS credentials.

  6. Build the example on ARM toolchain

    • NuMaker-IoT-M487
      $ mbed compile -m NUMAKER_IOT_M487 -t ARM
    • NuMaker-M2354
      $ mbed compile -m NU_M2354 -t ARM

    Add version suffix _V1.0.0 to the built image file name for distinct from below. This file is for flash later.

    • NuMaker-IoT-M487

      BUILD/NUMAKER_IOT_M487/ARM/NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example.bin → NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example_V1.0.0.bin

    • NuMaker-M2354

      BUILD/NU_M2354/ARM/NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example.bin → NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example_V1.0.0.bin

  7. Re-build the example with increasing version of the application. For example, set APP_VERSION_MAJOR/MINOR/BUILD in configs/aws_config.h to 1/0/1.

    • NuMaker-IoT-M487
      $ mbed compile -m NUMAKER_IOT_M487 -t ARM
    • NuMaker-M2354
      $ mbed compile -m NU_M2354 -t ARM

    Add version suffix _V1.0.1 to the built image file name for distinct from above. This file is for upload to AWS S3 bucket later.

    • NuMaker-IoT-M487

      BUILD/NUMAKER_IOT_M487/ARM/NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example.bin → NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example_V1.0.1.bin

    • NuMaker-M2354

      BUILD/NU_M2354/ARM/NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example_update.bin → NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example_update_V1.0.1.bin

      NOTE: Can only choose the built image file name having _update suffix.

Flash the images

  • NuMaker-IoT-M487

    1. Open NuMicro ICP Programming Tool → Select M480 Series → Connect

    2. Flash LDROM bootloader image into LDROM:

      In Load File group, click LDROM and select bootloader/Bootloader_LDROM.bin file → In Programming group, check only LDROM option → Start

    3. Flash application image into APROM 0x0:

      In Load File group, click APROM, select NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example_V1.0.0.bin file, and set Offset to 0x0 → In Programming group, check only APROM option → Start

    4. Flash Cloner bootloader image into ARPOM 0x72000:

      In Load File group, click APROM, select bootloader/Bootloader_Cloner.bin file, and set Offset to 0x72000 → In Programming group, check only APROM option → Start

    NOTE: The operatioins above require NuMaker-IoT-M487 board's Nu-Link swiched to ICE mode (MSG to non-ON).

    NOTE: The order of flashing application image and Cloner bootloader image is significant. This tool will erase all the blocks starting from the one the start address is located to the end.

  • NuMaker-M2354

    Just drag-n-drop NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example_V1.0.0.bin onto NuMaker-M2354 board.

    NOTE: The operatioins above require NuMaker-M2354 board's Nu-Link2 swiched to MASS mode (MSG to non-ON).

Operations on AWS IoT Console

Prerequisites for the AWS Over-The-Air Update (OTA)

Prepare the prerequisites following the guide.

Scheduling an OTA Update Job

Schedule an OTA Update job following the guide.

The following steaps are re-statements of above and adapted to this port:

  1. Go to the AWS IoT Core console.

  2. Manage → Jobs → Create → Create a FreeRTOS OTA update job → Select the corresponding name for your device from the thing list.

    NOTE: This port supports MQTT protocol only.

  3. Sign a new firmware → Create a new profile → Select any SHA-ECDSA signing platform → Upload the code signing certificate from prerequisites and provide its path on the device.

    NOTE: For Pathname of code signing certificate on device, set to PKCS #11 label pkcs11configLABEL_CODE_VERIFICATION_KEY defined at the file below. Its value could be Code_Verify_Key for example.

    • NuMaker-IoT-M487: mbed-client-for-aws/mbed/COMPONENT_AWSIOT_PKCS11/core_pkcs11_config.h
    • NuMaker-M2354: mbed-client-for-aws/mbed/COMPONENT_AWSIOT_PKCS11PSA/corePKCS11/core_pkcs11_config.h
  4. Select the image → Select the bucket you created during the prerequisite steps → Upload the binary

    • NuMaker-IoT-M487: NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example_V1.0.1.bin.
    • NuMaker-M2354: NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example_update_V1.0.1.bin
  5. For Pathname of file on device, it is not used. Just set to below for example.

    • NuMaker-IoT-M487: NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example_V1.0.1.bin.
    • NuMaker-M2354: NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example_update_V1.0.1.bin
  6. Select the IAM role created during the prerequisite steps.

  7. Create the Job.

Monitor the application through host console

Configure host terminal program with 115200/8-N-1, and you should see log similar to below:

Device not provisioned yet. Simulate the provision process:

  • NuMaker-IoT-M487
The device has not provisioned yet. Try to provision it...
Provision for development...
Reset kvstore...
Reset kvstore...OK
Provision for development...OK
  • NuMaker-M2354
PROV: Install root CA certificate...
PROV: Install root CA certificate...OK
PROV: Install code verification public key...
PROV: Install code verification public key...OK

Application version before update should be 1.0.0:

[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1696] *** Application version: 1.0.0

Connect to AWS MQTT server:

[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1697] Connecting to the network...
[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1708] MAC: fc:f5:c4:a5:e7:93
[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1709] Connection Success
[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1712] Current heap: 852

[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1713] Max heap size: 3900

[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1714] Reserved heap size: 127856

[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1537] OTA over MQTT demo, Application version 1.0.0
[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1058] Establishing a TLS session to
[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1203] Creating an MQTT connection to
[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1166] MQTT connection successfully established with broker.

Go firmware OTA flow:

[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:2838] Current State=[RequestingJob], Event=[Start], New state=[RequestingJob]
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota_mqtt.c:383] Subscribed to MQTT topic: $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/jobs/notify-next
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:2838] Current State=[WaitingForJob], Event=[RequestJobDocument], New state=[WaitingForJob]
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:2239] No active job available in received job document: OtaJobParseErr_t=OtaJobParseErrNoActiveJobs
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:2838] Current State=[WaitingForJob], Event=[ReceivedJobDocument], New state=[CreatingFile]

Receive a new OTA update job:

[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:1645] Extracted parameter: [key: value]=[execution.jobId: AFR_OTA-ccli8-ota-update-job-097]
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:1645] Extracted parameter: [key: value]=[execution.jobDocument.afr_ota.streamname: AFR_OTA-d94c1d82-06ee-4530-8f7b-09e434991d24]
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:1645] Extracted parameter: [key: value]=[execution.jobDocument.afr_ota.protocols: ["MQTT"]]
  • NuMaker-IoT-M487
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:1645] Extracted parameter: [key: value]=[filepath: NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example_V1.0.1.bin]
  • NuMaker-M2354
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:1645] Extracted parameter: [key: value]=[filepath: NuMaker-mbed-AWS-IoT-CSDK-OTA-example_update_V1.0.1.bin]
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:1684] Extracted parameter: [key: value]=[filesize: 352698]
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:1684] Extracted parameter: [key: value]=[fileid: 0]
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:1645] Extracted parameter: [key: value]=[certfile: Code_Verify_Key]
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:1575] Extracted parameter [ sig-sha256-ecdsa: MEUCIQDRmJCcKm2S8hWJlzFANUAE3X9P... ]
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:2198] Job document was accepted. Attempting to begin the update.
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:2322] Job parsing success: OtaJobParseErr_t=OtaJobParseErrNone, Job name=AFR_OTA-ccli8-ota-update-job-097

Download started:

[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:2463] Received valid file block: Block index=0, Size=2048

Download completed:

[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:2632] Received final block of the update.

Verify code signature and prepare for firmware update:

  • NuMaker-IoT-M487
[prvPAL_CheckFileSignature] Started sig-sha256-ecdsa signature verification, file: Code_Verify_Key
[prvPAL_ReadAndAssumeCertificate] Using cert with label: Code_Verify_Key OK
[otaPal_CloseFile] sig-sha256-ecdsa signature verification passed.
[prvContextUpdateImageHeaderAndTrailer] OTA Sequence Number: 21
[prvContextUpdateImageHeaderAndTrailer] Image - Start: 0x00000000, End: 0x0005713f
[prvContextUpdateImageHeaderAndTrailer] Writing Trailer at: 0x00071000
[otaPal_CloseFile] Image header updated.
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota.c:2600] Received entire update and validated the signature.
  • NuMaker-M2354
[INFO] [PSAFWU] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\mbed\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA_PAL_PSAFWU\ota_pal_psafwu.cpp:491] otaPal_CloseFile()...
[WARN] [PSAFWU] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\mbed\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA_PAL_PSAFWU\ota_pal_psafwu.cpp:508] Ignore certificate file pathname Code_Verify_Key. Use predefined PKCS11 label Code_Verify_Key instead
[INFO] [PSAFWU] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\mbed\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA_PAL_PSAFWU\ota_pal_psafwu.cpp:511] Code signature size: 71
[INFO] [PSAFWU] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\mbed\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA_PAL_PSAFWU\ota_pal_psafwu.cpp:533] [INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1617] Code signature verification OK
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:2653] Received entire update and validated the signature.


  • NuMaker-IoT-M487
[otaPal_ActivateNewImage] Activating the new MCU image.
[otaPal_ResetDevice] Resetting the device.
  • NuMaker-M2354
[INFO] [PSAFWU] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\mbed\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA_PAL_PSAFWU\ota_pal_psafwu.cpp:546] System will reboot in 3 seconds...

Reboot to bootloader for firmware update:

  • NuMaker-IoT-M487
Boot from LDROM successful
read Magic code: @AFRTOS
Jump to APROM Cloner
Will boot from 0x00072000
SPIM get JEDEC ID=0xEF, 0x40, 0x16
Boot to AWS Cloner
read Magic code     : @AFRTOS
read Image flag     : 0xFF
read Sequence Num   : 0x00000015
read Start addr     : 0x00000000
read End addr       : 0x0005713F
read Exec addr      : 0x00000000
read Hardware ID    : 0x2000AAB4
read Reserved data  : 0x200011D8
Check OTA image success
Clone OTA image from SPI Flash to APROM
page_num: 0x58
Erasing APROM ...
Erasing page_num = 0x0
Erasing page_num = 0x1000
Erasing page_num = 0x56000
Erasing page_num = 0x57000
Clone APROM ...
Clone done.
Checksum OK. CRC32: 0x0
Update OTA header ...
  • NuMaker-M2354
[INF] Starting bootloader
[INF] Swap type: none
[INF] Swap type: test
[INF] Image upgrade secondary slot -> primary slot
[INF] Erasing the primary slot
[INF] Copying the secondary slot to the primary slot: 0xzx bytes
[INF] Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x20000
[INF] Jumping to the first image slot

Reboot to application (updated):

  • NuMaker-IoT-M487
The device has provisioned. Skip provision process
  • NuMaker-M2354
PROV: Install root CA certificate...
Has installed, SKIP
PROV: Install root CA certificate...OK
PROV: Install code verification public key...
Has installed, SKIP
PROV: Install code verification public key...OK

Application version after update should be 1.0.1:

[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1696] *** Application version: 1.0.1

Re-connect to AWS MQTT servier:

[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1697] Connecting to the network...
[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1708] MAC: fc:f5:c4:a5:e7:93
[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1709] Connection Success
[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1712] Current heap: 852

[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1713] Max heap size: 2787

[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1714] Reserved heap size: 127856

[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1537] OTA over MQTT demo, Application version 1.0.1
[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1058] Establishing a TLS session to
[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1203] Creating an MQTT connection to
[INFO] [DEMO] [.\demo_ota_mqtt\ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp:1166] MQTT connection successfully established with broker.

Complete rest of firmware OTA:

  • NuMaker-IoT-M487
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:794] Beginning self-test.
[otaPal_GetPlatformImageState] image state [1] -- Flag[0xfe].
[otaPal_SetPlatformImageState] Accepted and committed final image.
[otaPal_SetPlatformImageState] image state [2] ---Flag[0xfc].
  • NuMaker-M2354
[INFO] [OTA] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk\source\ota.c:794] Beginning self-test.
[INFO] [PSAFWU] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\mbed\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA_PAL_PSAFWU\ota_pal_psafwu.cpp:616] otaPal_SetPlatformImageState(2)...
[INFO] [PSAFWU] [.\mbed-client-for-aws\mbed\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA\COMPONENT_AWSIOT_OTA_PAL_PSAFWU\ota_pal_psafwu.cpp:695] otaPal_SetPlatformImageState(2)->2

Walk through source code

AWS configuration (configs/)

AWS connection parameters and credentails are placed here.

Pre-main (pre-main/)

In Mbed OS boot sequence, mbed_main(), designed for user application override, is run before main(). Here, it is used to run the following tasks:

  1. Simulate provision process for development (provision/)

    • NuMaker-IoT-M487 (provision/COMPONENT_AWSIOT_PKCS11)

      1. Reset KVStore
      2. Inject AWS credentials
      3. Mark the device as provisioned
      The device has not provisioned yet. Try to provision it...
      Provision for development...
      Reset kvstore...
      Reset kvstore...OK
      Provision for development...OK
    • NuMaker-M2354 (provision/COMPONENT_AWSIOT_PKCS11PSA)

      Inject AWS credentials through PSA Crypto/Storage API.

      PROV: Install root CA certificate...
      PROV: Install root CA certificate...OK
      PROV: Install code verification public key...
      PROV: Install code verification public key...OK

    NOTE: This function is for development requirement. Remove provision/ directory for production.

  2. Set up event queue for dispatching host command (host-stdin/)

    Currently, press the following command:

    1. h for printing heap statistics

      ** MBED HEAP STATS **
      **** current_size: 61830
      **** max_size    : 71866
    2. s for printing stack statistics

      Thread: 0x20005718, Stack size: 2048, Max stack: 584
      Thread: 0x20008eac, Stack size: 4096, Max stack: 1144
      Thread: 0x20008864, Stack size: 512, Max stack: 64
      Thread: 0x200088ec, Stack size: 8192, Max stack: 3104
      Thread: 0x200088a8, Stack size: 768, Max stack: 96
    3. r for resetting system

      System reset after 2 secs...

    NOTE: This function is for development requirement. Remove host-stdin/ directory for production.

Main with firmware OTA over MQTT (demo_ota_mqtt/ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp)

The examplle here is port of SDK ota_demo_core_mqtt and shows firmware OTA with AWS IoT over MQTT.

  • NuMaker-IoT-M487

    NOTE: Disable write-protect and hold functions of on-board SPI flash. For re-designed board which has had /WP and ?HOLD pins pull-high, remove the code fragment below to spare these two GPIO pins.

    #if defined(TARGET_NUMAKER_PFM_M487) || defined(TARGET_NUMAKER_IOT_M487)
    DigitalOut onboard_spi_wp(PC_5, 1);
    DigitalOut onboard_spi_hold(PC_4, 1);

Implementation differences among targets

Provision AWS credentials

  • NuMaker-IoT-M487

    • Keys are stored in Mbed KVStore.
    • Certificates are stored in Mbed KVStore.
  • NuMaker-M2354

    • Keys are stored in TF-M through PSA Crypto API.
    • Certificates are stored in TF-M through PSA Storage API.

Access to provisioned AWS credentials

  • NuMaker-IoT-M487

    • Keys are accessible to Mbed for TLS handshake.
    • Certificates are accessible to Mbed for TLS handshake.
  • NuMaker-M2354

    • Keys are inaccessible to Mbed and Mbed TLS wraps them as opaque for TLS handshake.
    • Certificates are accessible to Mbed through PSA Storage API for TLS handshake.

Non-persistent keys

  • NuMaker-IoT-M487: Generated through Mbed TLS's internal crypto functions and disclosed for crypto operations
  • NuMaker-M2354: Generated through PSA Crypto API and wrapped as opaque by Mbed TLS for crypto operations

PKCS11 library

  • NuMaker-IoT-M487

    • Software implementation backed by Mbed KVStore
    • Do crypto operations using Mbed TLS's internal crypto functions
    • Consistent with provisioned AWS credentials above
  • NuMaker-M2354

    • Hardware implementation enabled by PSA Crypto/Storage API
    • Do crypto opertions through PSA Crypto API
    • Consistent with provisioned AWS credentials above


  • NuMaker-IoT-M487: Custom bootloader

  • NuMaker-M2354: TF-M integrated MCUboot


  • NuMaker-IoT-M487

    • Store firmware candidate in SPI flash
    • Consistent with above bootloader
  • NuMaker-M2354

    • Store firmware candidate in TF-M SD card through PSA Firmware Upgrade API
    • Consistent with above bootloader

Breaking changes

This section lists major changes in master branch.

  • Upgrade AWS C-SDK from 202012.01 to 202108.00

    Refer to AWS C-SDK releases for their release notes.

    NOTE: For legacy C-SDK 202012.01 port, check out the nuvoton_legacy_csdk_202012.01 branch.

  • Provisions for different targets are distinguished by COMPONENT_AWSIOT_PKCS11/COMPONENT_AWSIOT_PKCS11PSA.

  • Changes to demo_ota_mqtt/ota_demo_core_mqtt.cpp

    • Base on 202108.00 ota_demo_core_mqtt.
    • Remove the workaround to OtaTimerInterface_t having C++ keyword delete as member name, which now fixes to deleteTimer in updated C-SDK.
  • Resolve inconsistency with null-terminated string for PEM credentials

    mbedtls API requires PEM be null-terminated string. For this requirement and consistency, we have the following rules:

    • All in-ram and in-storage PEM must be null-terminated string, size of which will include the \0 character.
    • In provision for PEM, its ending \0 character is stored and so its size counts the character.
    • In fetch from storage for PEM, data and size through kv_get()/kv_get_info() or psa_ps_get()/psa_ps_get_info() will include the ending \0 character.
    • Now that the PEM has been null-terminated, it can pass to mbedtls API straight.
    • To make credential pass-along code format-agnostic (PEM or DER), credential pass-along interface (aws::credentials::provision and CredentialInfo_t) add one additional size parameter.


  • For NuMaker-M2354, no support for firmware upgrade rollback currently.
  • For NuMaker-M2354, it is TF-M-enabled and all crypto keys should be confidential, non-disclosed to NSPE world. These all are true, except AWS device (private) key being RSA. This is because current Mbed TLS just supports ECC as opaque.


Mbed example for AWS IoT OTA on Nuvoton's Mbed-Enabled boards







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  • C++ 80.9%
  • C 16.5%
  • CMake 2.6%