This repository consists of datasets that contain data from the Breaking Bad Universe (Breaking Bad + Better Call Saul) created by Vince Gilligan. The files have been created using data fetched from the Breaking Bad API created by Tim Biles. I did this activity as part of learning and exploring the basics of how APIs work. The script I used for carrying out the process can be found in this repository.
There are 4 datasets:
Attribute | Description |
id |
Unique Id per character |
name |
A character's full name |
birthday |
A character's birthday |
occupation |
List of character's known occupation |
img |
Character's image |
status |
Are they alive (or did Heisenberg get to them?) |
nickname |
A known nickname they are referred as |
appearance |
List of seasons that the character appeared in |
portrayed |
The actor / actress that portrayed the character |
category |
Series that the character is involved with |
Attribute | Description |
id |
Unique ID per episode |
title |
Title of the episode |
season |
Season that the episode belongs to |
episode |
Episode number of it's season |
air_date |
Original air date of the episode |
characters |
Main characters that are associated with the episode |
series |
Series that the episode belongs to |
Attribute | Description |
id |
Unique ID per quote |
quote |
The quote itself |
author |
The originator of the quote |
series |
The series the quote was told in |
Attribute | Description |
id |
Unique ID per death |
death |
Name of deceased individual |
cause |
How the character met their demise |
responsible |
The person(s) responsible or affiliated with the death |
last_words |
The famous last words! |
season |
The season the death occured in |
episode |
The episode of the season |
number_of_deaths |
Number of deaths that occured for this instance |
Feel free to add any missing data, just create an issue or a pull-request either on this repository or Tim's.