Lecture and practice exercises give overview of docker tech stack
Oerview of docker architecture and basics
Oerview UFS and networking interface
Creating docker images
Perform this steps. It'll save time during practice
1) Clone repository on your PC
git clone https://github.com/parkito/LearnDocker
2) Pull next images on your PC
docker pull parkito/hellodocker
docker pull parkito/layer-server
docker pull parkito/layer-client
docker run docker/whalesay // run container from Image. If there is not image on local PC it will be downloaded
docker run -it ubuntu bash // run container in interactive mode (using bash-sehll)
ls /var // using bash-shell of ubuntu container
docker attach ContainerID // attache to interactive mode of running container
docker run -d ubuntu apt update // run container in detach mode
docker ps // observe running containers
docker ps -a // observe all containers
docker images // observe all local images
docker rm ContainerID // delete container
docker rmi ubuntu // delete image
docker network create myntw // create new network
docker run -it -p 2141:2141 --name u1 parkito/ubuntu-with-ping bash // run container with u1 name with exposed 2141 port
docker run -it -p 2142:2142 --name u2 parkito/ubuntu-with-ping bash
docker run -it -p 2141:2141 --name u1 --link u2 parkito/ubuntu-with-ping bash // run container and link it to another
docker run -it -p 2142:2142 --name u2 parkito/ubuntu-with-ping bash
docker run -it -p 2141:2141 --name u1 --net=myntw parkito/ubuntu-with-ping bash // run container with myntw network
docker run -it -p 2142:2142 --name u2 --net=myntw parkito/ubuntu-with-ping bash
docker run -it -v C:\Users\akarnov\Downloads\:/my -p 2142:2142 ubuntu bash // run container with mounted volume
//image inspections
docker history ubuntu
docker inspect ubuntu
docker diff ContainerId
docker inspect ContainerId
mvn clean package docker:build //using docker maven plugin
// Dockerfile example
FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine
RUN mkdir /var/lib/user-service
COPY /target/user-1.0.jar /var/lib/user-service
WORKDIR /var/lib/user-service
CMD ["java", "-jar", "user-1.0.jar"]