This project focuses on analyzing the market size for Electric Vehicles (EV) using Python. Market size analysis is a critical aspect of market research that determines the potential sales volume within a specific market. This analysis helps businesses understand demand magnitude, assess market saturation, and identify growth opportunities. By examining historical EV data, we can assess the market penetration, predict future growth, and understand trends driving expansion in the EV industry.
- Overview
- Project Motivation
- Project Files
- Installation
- Data Description
- Analysis Steps
- Results
- How to Use
- Future Work
- Acknowledgments
The primary objective of this analysis is to leverage historical EV registration data to:
- Assess the historical growth trend of EV registrations.
- Forecast future EV registrations based on historical trends.
- Analyze the distribution of EV registrations across different models, makes, and regions.
- Estimate the EV market's growth potential in the coming years.
- Provide insights for stakeholders to support decision-making related to production, infrastructure planning, and policy formulation.
- `EV_Market_Size_Analysis.ipynb`: Jupyter Notebook containing all the code and steps for data analysis, model building, and visualization.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd EV_Market_Size_Analysis-
Set up a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv env source env/bin/activate # On Windows: .\env\Scripts\activate
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Data Source:
- Dataset Information: The dataset includes historical EV registration data, covering various models, manufacturers, and regions.
- Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Prepare the dataset for analysis by handling missing values, outliers, and formatting.
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Conduct EDA to understand data distribution, spot trends, and visualize growth patterns.
- Forecasting: Use time series analysis to predict future EV market size based on historical data.
- Market Segmentation: Segment the market based on EV models, geographical regions, and manufacturer influence.
- Visualization: Create charts to communicate findings, including trends, growth rates, and market segmentation insights.
From the market size analysis, we found:
- Historical Growth: Significant year-over-year growth in EV registrations, reflecting a shift in consumer preferences.
- Future Projections: Predictive modeling indicates continued growth in EV adoption, with high growth potential in specific regions and models.
- Market Trends: Insights into popular models, high-demand regions, and factors driving market expansion, supporting decision-making for production, infrastructure, and policy planning.
- Run the Jupyter Notebook (`EV_Market_Size_Analysis.ipynb`) to reproduce the analysis.
- Adjust the data path and parameters in the notebook as needed to experiment with different datasets or analysis scopes.
- Extend forecasting models with additional features such as economic indicators and policy impacts.
- Integrate real-time data sources for up-to-date analysis and reporting.
- Explore further market segmentation, focusing on consumer demographics and purchase behaviors.
Special thanks to for providing the dataset and the Python community for resources on time series analysis and data visualization.