REST API service to Add, Update, Fetch and Query products from MongoDB Replica Set Cluster. This is based on Ecommerce Application example from MongoDB in Action book.
You will need Java, Leiningen, Vagrant to run this project.
directory contains a VagrantFile with setup script to provision a vagrant box with MongoDB installation.
It will also spin up a MongoDB Replica Set Cluster with 3 mongod instances. Follow below commands to start vagrant box:
cd tools/vagrant
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Now connect to mongodb client and initiate the Replica Set Cluster:
mongo --port 40000
> rs.initiate()
Add other nodes to cluster. We will add one node as secondary other as arbiter.
myapp:OTHER> rs.add("mongodb-cluster:40001")
myapp:PRIMARY> rs.add("mongodb-cluster:40002",{arbiterOnly:true})
Verify the cluster state. There should be 3 members(primary, secondary, arbiter) in cluster.
myapp:PRIMARY> rs.status();
Now add mongodb-cluster entry to your local machine /etc/hosts file
echo " mongodb-cluster" >> /etc/hosts
NOTE: While restarting Vagrant box, pass --provision flag to vagrant up command as below. This is required to start Mongodb Cluster on box reboot.
vagrant up --provision
To start a web server for the application, run:
lein run
This will start the server on Port 9099. Run below curl command to verify
curl http://localhost:9099/ping
Build the Jar using below command
lein uberjar
and then run the following command to start the API server
java -jar target/eden-garden-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
Use the curl command mentioned above to verify.
Export the Postman Collection to Postman. This collections includes the sample request for all the APIs.