WOWYCO is a terminal application, written in Ruby language, that allows the user to enter in their clock-in and clock-out times, then returns the time in which they can clock out based on an 8hr work day.
I created this application because I am constantly clocking into work at different times each day and often taking a different duration of lunch. I saw calculating my hours in order to find what time I could clock out for the day to be rather inconvenient and annoying. What better way to test out my newly acquired Ruby skills than this simple, yet useful application!
Ruby 2.3.7
From the command-line, clone the repository where you want it.
git clone
If you have bundler installed (gem install bundler), from inside the base repository directory, run:
bundle install
# Install 'rake' if not already installed
# Link the executable in your path ('/usr/local/bin')
To uninstall, run `rake uninstall`
If you aren't using bundler or rake, you can manually link executable. From inside the base repository directory, run:
ln -s $PWD/bin/WOWYCO /usr/local/bin/WOWYCO
To uninstall, run `rm /usr/local/bin/WOWYCO
`To use WOWYCO:
`WOWYCO` # Run in Command-line
Enter in the corresponding times, when prompted, in the format of (0:00[am/pm] or 00:00).
This project is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](
MIT © Houston Knight