This repository contains metadata and images describing computer science inventions.
The criteria for inclusion of an invention are:
- What: the invention must be concrete e.g., Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm (concrete) vs. the idea of computational complexity (abstract). Concrete inventions are easier to visualize and understand.
- Who: the invention must be the responsibility of one or a few identifiable people, not an organization. Specific people are easier to relate to than faceless organizations.
- Why: the invention must have been motivated by a specific need of those people rather than e.g., novelty alone or selling products. Specific, personal motivations make the invention more relatable.
- When: the invention must have emerged at a specific time. Identifying a specific time and place contextualizes the invention.
- Where: the invention must have emerged in a specific place. Identifying a specific time and place contextualizes the invention.