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How to build (en)

sobolev edited this page May 28, 2020 · 1 revision

1. Clone the repository into a local directory

git clone

2. Download the system distribution

From the section download the latest OpenPapyrus server distribution (OPpyServer_xx.x.xx.xxxxx.exe) and client (OPpyClient_XX.X.XX.XXXXX.exe)

3. Install the distribution

Install OpenPapyrus in the OpenPapyrus/ppy folder (first server, then client)

4. Open solution for Visual Studio

In the "OpenPapyrus\Src\BuildVC2015" folder, open the papyrus.sln solution file using VS2015.

If you are using Visual Studio 2017, then the corresponding project is located in the "OpenPapyrus\Src\BuildVC2017" folder.

For earlier versions of Visual Studio, you can use the solution in the OpenPapyrus\Src\BuildVC70 folder.

5. Configuring solution

Select papyrus as the active project (right-click on the papyrus project -> Set as StartUP Project). Specify solution configuration: debug, solution platform: x86.

6. Building

Run the build solution (Ctlr+Shift+B).

7. Launching the assembled application

Start Debugging (F5).