released this
25 Oct 11:58
Added "Toggle JSSVG" tool
Added user settable renderSvgTextWithGeometricPrecision (prevents Chrome's issues when rendering text)
Added tools for fonts
"Add pages/sections filter" (formerly defined as "Include/exclude selections") tool made easier to use and more robust
Tool for compiling chunks of score modified and expanded
Fixed goToPage() issue (when the compiled score has less pages than the previous one)
Added better looking input dialogs for search/replace
Tested compatibility with LilyPond 2.23.5
Added support for dashed and dotted slurs
Added mark with functions (BULK) tool
Added slurs on Symbols tab
Custom symbols configuration made simpler
Replaced CairoSVG with Inkscape (easier to install on Windows and works better)
Added scripting tools for manipulating PDF/SVG files associated to the score.
Prevent window resizing while the mouse wheel is moved inside the SVG panel and the document is not ready
Fixed subtle issue when downloading PDF/midi
Added tool for configuring parameters from the main GUI
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