Test project demonstrates list of dog breeds and details screen with ten random images of certain breed. Breeds api: https://dog.ceo/
: Kotlin.Architecture:
Clean Architecture withui
separated modules. Presentation layer architecture - Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM).Network
: Retrofit2, Coroutine Call Adapter Factory, Gson Converter Factory (In future projects we can use Moshi or kotlinx.serialization depending on project requirements.)VCS
: GIT (Gitlab).Dependency Injection
: Dagger2.Multithreading
: Kotlin Coroutines.Architecture Components
: Navigation, Data Binding, Lifecycle (LiveData, ViewModel).Kotlin features
: Coroutines, Extensions, ViewModelScope, Deffered.Other
: Glide, Fragment Animations, Item Decorators, Responsive UI with Constraint Layout, Binding Adapters, List Adapter with DiffUtils.