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PyPanther Starter Kit

pypanther is a modern Python-based detection framework that empowers security teams to build, test, and manage detection rules as code. It combines the power of a library with the convenience of a CLI, making it easier than ever to create and maintain high-quality security detections.

πŸš€ Key Features

  • Simple Rule Management: Maintain detection rules in Python with built-in testing and validation
  • CI/CD Integration: Seamlessly integrate detections into your development workflow
  • Enhanced Alerts: Generate actionable alerts with rich context and flexible formatting
  • Rule Customization: Easily modify and extend existing rules with inheritance and overrides
  • Upstream Updates: Stay current with the latest detection content without maintaining a fork

pypanther is the evolution of Panther's panther-analysis and panther_analysis_tool repositories, bringing modern Python practices to detection engineering.

πŸ“š Quick Links

πŸ—οΈ Project Structure

The starter kit serves as a bootstrap for the pypanther framework, providing a folder structure and essential components to accelerate the rule development process. All Panther-managed content lives in the pypanther Python package, so it is not required to maintain a repository fork.

Directory Layout

β”œβ”€β”€                 # Main configuration file
β”œβ”€β”€ content/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ rules/             # Customer-defined rules by log type
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ helpers/           # Reusable helper functions
β”‚   └── overrides/         # Rule overrides and customizations
β”œβ”€β”€ pyproject.toml         # Poetry dependencies
└── Makefile              # Development workflows

πŸ’‘ Example Usage

Importing, overriding, and registering a single upstream rule:

from pypanther import register
from pypanther.rules.github import GitHubActionFailed

# Configure and register a single rule
    dedup_period_minutes=60*8,  # 8-hour deduplication window
GitHubActionFailed.MONITORED_ACTIONS = {"main_app": ["code_scanning"]}

Mass-applying an exclude filter to all GitHub rules:

from pypanther import get_panther_rules, register, LogType, Severity

# Get all GitHub Audit rules of Medium/High severity
rules = get_panther_rules(
    severity=[Severity.MEDIUM, Severity.HIGH]

# Define a filter to exclude bot activity
def github_is_bot_filter(event):
    return bool(event.get("actor_is_bot"))

# Apply the filter to all rules
for rule in rules:

# Register the filtered rules

πŸ› οΈ Getting Started


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Brew: Install Homebrew if you are on macOS
  • Git: Validate Git is installed:
    git --version
    If not installed, download from or use Homebrew:
    brew install git
  • Make: Install Make for workflow automation
  • Python: We recommend using Pyenv for version management:
    pyenv install 3.11
    pyenv global 3.11
  • Poetry: Install Poetry via pipx:
    pipx install poetry
    poetry env use path/to/python3.11

Quick Start

  1. Clone and enter the repo

    git clone
    cd pypanther-starter-kit
  2. Install dependencies

    make install
  3. Run tests

    make test

Note: When developing and running tests, prefix commands with poetry run ...

πŸ”§ CLI Commands

The pypanther CLI provides essential tools for development:

Command Description Example
version Display CLI version pypanther version
list List managed content pypanther list rules --log-types AWS.CloudTrail
get Retrieve rule source pypanther get rule <id>
test Run rule tests pypanther test --tags Exfiltration
upload Upload to Panther pypanther upload --verbose

Use pypanther <command> --help for detailed usage.

Note: The pypanther list and pypanther get commands only reflect the state of your local configuration and the pypanther library. They do not show the current state of rules in your Panther instance. To see what changes will be applied to your Panther instance, use the pypanther upload command.

πŸ“ CLI Examples

Listing Rules

List all Slack audit log rules with HIGH severity:

$ poetry run pypanther list rules --log-types Slack.AuditLogs --default-severity HIGH

|                         id                         |    log_types    | default_severity | enabled |
|       Slack.AuditLogs.DLPModified-prototype        | Slack.AuditLogs |       HIGH       |   True  |
|     Slack.AuditLogs.EKMConfigChanged-prototype     | Slack.AuditLogs |       HIGH       |   True  |
|  Slack.AuditLogs.EKMSlackbotUnenrolled-prototype   | Slack.AuditLogs |       HIGH       |   True  |
| Slack.AuditLogs.IDPConfigurationChanged-prototype  | Slack.AuditLogs |       HIGH       |   True  |
| Slack.AuditLogs.LegalHoldPolicyModified-prototype  | Slack.AuditLogs |       HIGH       |   True  |
|    Slack.AuditLogs.MFASettingsChanged-prototype    | Slack.AuditLogs |       HIGH       |   True  |
| Slack.AuditLogs.PrivateChannelMadePublic-prototype | Slack.AuditLogs |       HIGH       |   True  |
|    Slack.AuditLogs.SSOSettingsChanged-prototype    | Slack.AuditLogs |       HIGH       |   True  |
| Slack.AuditLogs.UserPrivilegeEscalation-prototype  | Slack.AuditLogs |       HIGH       |   True  |
Total rules: 9

Inspecting Rules

View the source code and configuration of a specific rule:

$ poetry run pypanther get rule Slack.AuditLogs.MFASettingsChanged-prototype

class SlackAuditLogsMFASettingsChanged:
    create_alert = True
    dedup_period_minutes = 60
    display_name = Slack MFA Settings Changed
    enabled = True
    log_types = ['Slack.AuditLogs']
    id = Slack.AuditLogs.MFASettingsChanged-prototype
    summary_attributes = ['p_any_ip_addresses', 'p_any_emails']
    threshold = 1
    tags = ['Slack', 'Defense Evasion', 'Modify Authentication Process', 'Multi-Factor Authentication']
    reports = {'MITRE ATT&CK': ['TA0005:T1556.006']}
    default_severity = HIGH
    default_description = Detects changes to Multi-Factor Authentication requirements
    default_destinations = None
    default_reference =
    rule = 
    def rule(self, event):
        return event.get("action") == "pref.two_factor_auth_changed"

Testing Rules

Important: When writing rules and tests, only use Python libraries that are available in the Panther runtime environment. The following Python libraries are available in addition to those provided by AWS Lambda:

Package Version Description License
jsonpath-ng 1.5.2 JSONPath Implementation Apache v2
policyuniverse Parse AWS ARNs and Policies Apache v2
requests 2.23.0 Easy HTTP Requests Apache v2

Additionally, you have access to:

  • Python standard library
  • boto3 (provided by AWS Lambda)
  • pypanther library (version defined in your local Poetry environment)
  • Panther helper functions (as locally defined and using pypanther)

Using libraries not listed above in your rules may cause them to fail when deployed to Panther.

For more details, see the Available Python Libraries documentation.

Run tests on a specific rule with detailed output:

$ poetry run pypanther test --verbose --id AWS.ALB.HighVol400s

   PASS: ELB 400s, no domain
   PASS: ELB 400s, with a domain
     - Title: High volume of web port 4xx errors to [] in account [112233445566]
     - Alert context: {'elb': 'app/web/22222f55555e618c', 'actionsExecuted': ['forward'], 'source_ip': None, 'target_port': 80, 'elb_status_code': 429, 'target_status_code': 429, 'user_agent': None, 'request_url': '', 'mitre_technique': 'Endpoint Denial of Service', 'mitre_tactic': 'Impact'}
   PASS: ELB 200s, with a domain

Test Summary:
   Skipped rules:   0 
   Passed rules:    1 
   Failed rules:    0 
   Total rules:     1

   Passed tests:    3
   Failed tests:    0
   Total tests:     3

Uploading Rules

Upload rules to your Panther instance:

$ poetry run pypanther upload --api-token <TOKEN> --api-host https://<API-ENDPOINT>.execute-api.<REGION>

πŸ“Š Supported Features

Feature Status
Streaming Rules βœ…
Data Models βœ…
Helper Functions βœ…
Built-in Content βœ…
Manage Custom Schemas βœ…
Scheduled Rules 🚧
Lookups/Enrichments 🚧
Saved Queries 🚧
Policies 🚧
Correlation Rules 🚧

Note: packs have been replaced by and get_panther_rules.

πŸ”„ CI/CD Workflows

An example GitHub workflow is provided for automated deployments:

  1. Develop and test rules in main branch
  2. Create PR from main to release when ready to deploy
  3. Merge to release to automatically update Panther

Configure API_HOST and API_TOKEN in your GitHub repository secrets.

πŸ“„ License

This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.