Before running the project, ensure you have the following installed:
Docker Compose
To quickly get started, clone this project and run the following command: Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd pixel-blog
Then build and start the Docker containers:
docker-compose up --build
Then open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/
Once all containers are started, everything will automatically initiate through the script. This script handles the installation of dependencies, execution of migrations, seeding of the database, and creation of .env from .env.example.
composer install
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction
bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction
Enter the Docker container:
docker exec -it pixel-blog-php-fpm bash
Run every tool in the container:
composer phpcs
composer phpcsfix
composer phpstan
composer commented-code
composer var-dump-check
composer twig
composer phpunit
To stop the Docker containers, press Ctrl + C in the terminal where the containers are running.