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How to develop your own SWAP device

Daniel Berenguer edited this page Aug 17, 2016 · 11 revisions


This tutorial explains some basic steps to follow during the development of new SWAP devices. If you base your development on a panStamp or any other Arduino-based platform and you follow this guide, you will surely find this process quite straightforward.

Design process

Choose your hardware

Choose your preferred sensors, power source and actuators that fit your design. Identify your endpoints and configuration parameters. Decide how you want to group these values in the panStamp register table.

Create your Arduino sketch

Create a new Arduino sketch based on our template or any of the existing sketches. Then make the necessary modifications, as explained below:

Specify your product code

product.h contains some fields that need to be filled in order to make our device identifiable from the SWAP network. Manufacturer ID and Product ID are the most important ones. Remember to use the unique Manufacturer ID, provided during the member registration process. Product ID can take any 4-byte value and should be used only in devices of the same type (same product). Once our developments completed, this Product ID and our new device definition file should be uploaded to the central repositories in order to make our devices identifiable by any application or device.

 * Hardware version
#define HARDWARE_VERSION        0x00000000

 * Firmware version
#define FIRMWARE_VERSION        0x00000000

 * Manufacturer SWAP ID
#define SWAP_MANUFACT_ID        0x00000000

 * Product SWAP ID
#define SWAP_PRODUCT_ID         0x00000000

Create your custom registers

regtable.ino is the place where to define custom registers and their behavior. To make this tutorial a bit easier, let's suppose we want to implement a sketch for a device that has two analog inputs and two PWM outputs. Thus, we can define two custom registers, each containing two endpoints:

 * Definition of custom registers
// ADC inputs
static byte dtADCinputs[4];                   // Data container: two 10-bit ADC values
REGISTER regADCinputs(dtADCinputs,            // Pointer to the data container
                      sizeof(dtADCinputs),    // Size of the data container
                      &updtADCinputs,         // Pointer to the updater function
                      NULL);                  // Pointer to the setter function

// PWM outputs
static byte dtPWMoutput0[1];                  // Data container: one 8-bit PWM value
REGISTER regPWMoutput0(dtPWMoutput0,          // Pointer to the data container
                      sizeof(dtPWMoutput0),   // Size of the data container
                      NULL,                   // Pointer to the updater function
                      &setPWMoutput);         // Pointer to the setter function

static byte dtPWMoutput1[1];                  // Data container: one 8-bit PWM value
REGISTER regPWMoutput1(dtPWMoutput1,          // Pointer to the data container
                      sizeof(dtPWMoutput1),   // Size of the data container
                      NULL,                   // Pointer to the updater function
                      &setPWMoutput);         // Pointer to the setter function

And now we have to insert pointers to the above registers into the global table of registers. These pointers have to be inserted in the same order as they were defined.

 * Initialize table of registers
  &regADCinputs,    // Register ID = 11 (0x0B)
  &regPWMoutput0,   // Register ID = 12 (0x0C)
  &regPWMoutput1,   // Register ID = 13 (0x0D)

The above declaration appends our custom registers after the first standard (mandatory) registers (Register ID's 0 to 10) so that every register, custom or standard, can be accessed in the same way, via getRegister. Also note that whilst PWM output values are placed in two independent registers (regPWMoutput0 and regPWMoutput1), ADC inputs share a common register (regADCinputs). Doing this, only one SWAP status packet will be needed in order to inform about the value of both ADC readings. On the output side, each PWM output will be controllable through a different register command (Register ID 12 and 13). This could be done differently but we think that grouping inputs in common registers and maintaining outputs in independent registers is a good practice, a good compromise between low bandwidth consumption (input side) and logic isolation between outputs.

Define updater and setter functions for your registers

Let's now define every updater and setter function. Updater functions are responsible of updating registers values before transmitting status packets. On the other hand, setter functions are the only means to modify registers from the outside by sending commands to our device. As result, regADCinputs, defines only an updater function since it contains only inputs (ADC inputs) and they are not modifiable from the outside. regPWMoutputs contains only outputs so we only need the setter function in this case. This page explains how updater and setter functions work and how they interact with the SWAP network.

In our example, we have to define an updater function, called updtADCinputs, that will have to read both ADC inputs and then place the readings into the data container (dtADCinputs):

 * updtADCinputs
 * Read ADC inputs and place the readings into the corresponding
 * register bytes
 * 'rId'  Register ID
const void updtADCinputs(byte rId)
  int reading;

  // Read ADC input 0 (panStamp pin 4)
  reading = analogRead(0);
  // Pace reading into the first two bytes of the register. Big endian representation
  dtADCinputs[0] = (reading >> 8) & 0xFF;   // Replaceable by: regTable[rId]->value[0] = (reading >> 8) & 0xFF;
  dtADCinputs[1] = reading & 0xFF;          // Replaceable by: regTable[rId]->value[1] = reading & 0xFF;

  // Read ADC input 1 (panStamp pin 5)
  reading = analogRead(1);
  // Pace reading into the first two bytes of the register. Big endian representation
  dtADCinputs[2] = (reading >> 8) & 0xFF;   // Replaceable by: regTable[rId]->value[2] = (reading >> 8) & 0xFF;
  dtADCinputs[3] = reading & 0xFF;          // Replaceable by: regTable[rId]->value[3] = reading & 0xFF;

And now we have to define setPWMoutputs, the setter function for both PWM output registers (regPWMoutput0 and regPWMoutput1):

 * setPWMoutput
 * Set PWM levels
 * 'rId'     Register ID
 * 'level'    New PWM level
const void setPWMoutputs(byte rId, byte *level)
  int pin;

  // Update register
  memcpy(regTable[rId]->value, level, sizeof(regTable[rId]->value));

  // Set output pin
    case 12:
      pin = 3;    // Arduino digital pin 3 - panStamp pin 18
    case 13:
      pin = 5;    // Arduino digital pin 5 - panStamp pin 20

  // Control PWM output
  analogWrite(pin, level[0]);

Define IDs for our custom registers

Finally, we have to define ID's for our new registers. Open regtable.h and enter your ID's between DEFINE_REGINDEX_START() and DEFINE_REGINDEX_END() as follows:

 * Register indexes

Now our new registers can be accessed using getRegister from our sketch:

// Update ADC values and transmit SWAP status packet

// Set first PWM output level and transmit SWAP status packet

// Read second PWM register value and transmit SWAP status packet

Initialize the board

The rest of the work is very simple. From our main INO file we first have to include these two files:

#include "regtable.h"
#include "swap.h"

And then initialize the IO's and registers:

 * setup
 * Arduino setup function
void setup()
  // Init panStamp
  //panstamp.init(CFREQ_868);  // Not necessary unless you want a different frequency

  // Initialize PWM outputs
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(3, LOW);
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(5, LOW);

  // Initialize SWAP registers

  // Transmit product code

The above code is suitable for a device that is always listening to the SWAP network, that is the case of our ADC/PWM example. But, what if we need to write some registers onto a low-power device? What if this device sleeps most of the time? In this case, we recommend to setup an initial synchronization period within which the board will be ready to accept commands:

 * setup
 * Arduino setup function
void setup()
  int i;

  // Init panStamp
  //panstamp.init(CFREQ_868);  // Not necessary unless you want a different frequency

  pinMode(LEDPIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);

  // Init SWAP registers

  // Transmit product code

  // Enter SYNC state

  // During 3 seconds, listen the network for possible commands whilst the LED blinks
  for(i=0 ; i<6 ; i++)
    digitalWrite(LEDPIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);
  // Transmit periodic Tx interval
  // Transmit power voltage
  // Switch to Rx OFF state

The above is maybe the most simple way to put a low-power board in SYNC mode. We just have to reset the board and it will enter the SYNC mode for a given period.

run periodic tasks

Finally we have to write the necessary code in loop(). We'll usually write here the code that periodically reads the sensors and puts the board in power-down mode. For our example we need no power-down function so we'd just write the following:

 * loop
 * Arduino main loop
void loop()
  // Transmit ADC data

  // Wait 5 sec before sending ADC values again
  delay(5000);  // Here the board is awaken

If we want to put our panStamp in power-down mode we have to do the following:

 * loop
 * Arduino main loop
void loop()
  // Transmit ADC data

  // Sleep for the amount of seconds specified in "Tx interval register" (standard register with ID = 10)
  swap.goToSleep();  // Here the board is really sleeping

Create a definition file for our new device

Device definition files are basically xml files defining registers, parameters and endpoints for a given SWAP product. If you plan to configure your panStamps from SWAPdmt or use any computer application based on our Python pyswap library then you definitely need a proper Device Definition File. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

In our example we should create a definition file similar to this one:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <product>ADC/PWM module</product>
    <reg name="ADC inputs" id="11">
      <endpoint name="ADC input 0" type="num" dir="inp">
      <endpoint name="ADC input 1" type="num" dir="inp">
    <reg name="PWM output 0" id="12">
      <endpoint name="PWM output 0" type="num" dir="out">
    <reg name="PWM output 1" id="13">
      <endpoint name="PWM output 1" type="num" dir="out">

Our Device Definition File is now ready for final consumption. We can now submit this file, named mynewdevice.xml and the product code to the Product Registration section of the forum. Once received, definition file and product code will be uploaded to the central repositories.

Automatic generation of source code

Since the release of SWAPmaker, source code can be easily initialized with the most common parts, including the definition of registers and callback functions. We now strongly suggest to use this wizard and then complete the source code with your desired functionality (read sensors, write outputs, etc). SWAPmaker also generates the Device Definition File so developers no longer need to manually edit the xml files by hand.

Anti Swap

API for Anti Swap

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