Please use ruby version 1.9.2 above to run this program. The current stable verion is recommended.
$ bundle install
You may get the help like below by invoking it with option '-h' or '--help'. It will abort the execution if all the required options are not provided.
$ ./batch_processor.rb -h
Usage: batch_processor <options>
-i, --input works.xml Full path to the works file
-o, --output directory Output to this directory
-h, --help Show this help message
Once the program finishes the generation, navigate to the output directory and open index.html with a modern browser.
The code is tested with ruby v2.1.2 on a Linux. Run all the test cases, type
$ rake
Or run a particular test. For example,
$ ruby test/test_camera.rb -n test_set_maker
The time consuming part is multi-threaded in order to get the best concurrency.
Please make sure the user having proper rights and enough space to create lots of new files and open as many as it is needed when running it against a large data set.
If you experience too many opened files issue, some tunning may help. On Linux, verify and change how many files are allowed to be opened.
$ ulimit -n
On Mac, this can be done with launchctl.