In order to suppor the HTML5 Canvas feature, you will need a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE9+
You will also need a code editor. These can either be installed to your machine or you can use a code playground in the browser.
- Examples of Installed editors: Brackets, Sublime, VS Code, Atom, Notepad++, Dreamweaver
- Examples of Code Playgrounds: CodePen.io, JSFiddle, CSSDeck, JSBin, Liveweave
Some basic experience with Git/Github is also required. You'll need to be able to switch branches to follow along with the tutorial.
Here are the list of lessons that will be covered per branch:
- Lesson-01: HTML5 Canvas Basics
- Lesson-02: CreateJS Basics
- Lesson-03: Animation
- Lesson-04: Sprites and Spritesheets
- Lesson-05: Controls - Keyboard, Mouse, Touch
- Lesson-06: Collision Detection
- Lesson-07: Game Tracking
- Lesson-08: Backgrounds