Créer un fichier HTML qui affiche la structure de la liste des dossiers d'un bucket S3.
Create an html file that show the directory listing structure of an s3 bucket.
- Works with all S3 compatible storage API implementations (Amazon, Garage, MinIO, etc.)
- GUI (Graphical User Interface) mode and CLI (Command Line Interface) mode
- Enter the Endpoint URL, Access key ID, Secret access key, Region, Bucket name
- Filter on a specific folder in S3 bucket (Prefix)
- Filter with regex to exclude certain patterns (eg: .tmp, .old, backup_.*)
- Can list all files, even if there are more than 1000 files in the bucket (S3 pagination)
- Select the output HTML file location: in local and S3 bucket (optional)
- Output HTML : Nice tree structure with a smooth effect when moving the mouse over the list items
- Output HTML : List items are clickable, with customizable href base url
The main goal is to display the entire folder structure on a single page. Really light and simple, without any action button or entry box on the output html page.
Python and boto3
tkinter if you want a Graphical User Interface
Open the command prompt and type :
pip install ye3sld
From the command prompt,
For GUI mode, type :
Fill in the fields in the GUI
For CLI mode, type :
ye3sld --cli --endpoint_url="http://MYWEBSITE" --aws_access_key_id="MYID" --aws_secret_access_key="MYSECRET" --bucket_name="MYBUCKET" --upload --overwrite --exclude=".tmp, .old"
To show all CLI options : ye3sld --help
Open the HTML output file in your local folder or in your s3 bucket
To view the HTML code Click here
name | version |
ye3sld | 1.0.4 |
- Show size and last modification when clicking on a line or on the page title
- Add generation date in the html meta
- ttk style
- Refactoring code to conform to PEP 8, improve readability, maintainability, and consistency. Passed conformity checks with Flake8 and Pylint (rated at 10.00/10).
- Changed some exception handling
- All DEFAULT can now be use for GUI and CLI
- Hide the traceback, to avoid overwhelming the user with technical details
- args.cli replaced with True in cli_mode() function when calling generate_html() function
- Success and error message
- Help message in cli mode
- Missing tkinter message displayed in main()
- New function "check_s3_file_exists" to detect if s3 output file already exists
- New function "get_full_path" to get fullpath of the local output file
- Hint in cli mode
- messagebox was not showing because tkinter was not imported in the generate_html function. Now, tkinter is imported at the top of the script, inside a try except.
- première : first release
Feel free to contribute or share your ideas for new features, you can contact me here on github or by email. I speak French, you can write to me in other languages I will find ways to translate.
author: palw3ey
maintainer: palw3ey