An utility to populate a 3scale instance with synthetic data. The tool will create:
- N services (default: 1)
- 1 metric per service
- N backends per service (default: 1)
- N rules per service (default: 1)
- N application plans per service (default: 1)
- N application per service (default: 1)
Populator will create the applications under a (random) already existent account picking one of the application plan created.
- The services are not promoted to staging neither production
- The services are not intended to be consistent or working
- It doesn't work with 3scale amp <= 2.5
The only requirement is to have python3 installed.
To run populator:
clone the repo:
git clone <>
cd into the directory:
cd populator
install the requirements:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt [--user]
/ --help
python3 --help
usage: [-h] -u URL -t TOKEN [-s SERVICES] [-b BACKENDS] [-a APPS]
[-r RULES] [-p PLANS] [-n SERVICE_NAME] [-k] [-f] [-S]
Create a customizable number of services, rules, applications, plans
optional arguments:
-h, --help show the help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL Base URL of the admin portal (including protocol
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
A personal access token with RW permission on URL
-s SERVICES, --services SERVICES
Number of services
-b BACKENDS, --backends BACKENDS
Number of backends per service
-a APPS, --apps APPS Number of applications
-r RULES, --rules RULES
Number of rules
-p PLANS, --plans PLANS
Number of application plans
-n SERVICE_NAME, --service-name SERVICE_NAME
Service base name
-k, --insecure Insecure connections
-f, --failure-rollback
Rollback on failure, default to False
-S, --save-status Save the status of the execution to revert it later