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Releases: palladiumkenya/kenyahmis-releases

Upgrade from KenyaEMR v17.0.0 to KenyaEMR v17.0.1

02 Apr 14:47
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KenyaEMR 17.0.1

This release is a maintenance version to KenyaEMR v17.0.0 and is meant to address the issues reported in 17.0.0.


This release targets implementations that are already running KenyaEMR v17.0.0

Release Notes for KenyaEMR upgrade from version 17.0.0 to 17.0.1

This release contains a number of new features, enhancements and solutions to reported bugs.

New Features
  1. Added line lists for patients on differentiated care
  2. Added Differentiated care summaries on the facility dashboard
  3. Added family and partner testing summaries on the facility dashboard
  4. Introduced HIV Testing Services app on the user home page
  5. Introduced defaulter tracing app in the user home page
  1. Enhanced conditions to show HTS forms i.e. screening, initial, retest and linkage forms
  2. Added validation for dose and quantity fields for drug orders
  3. Replaced MOH731Greencard Template with a standard template
  4. Added "complete date" for "ever on IPT" in hiv follow-up form
  5. HTS screening form validations for HIV history and eligibility for testing
  6. improved patient search experience
  7. Re-introduced RDQA report
  8. Family/partner tree
Bug Fixes
  1. Handled null in contact trace list page for "Patient handed to" column
  2. Resolved issue with Second line ART drugs register (Previously not populating with data)
  3. Made changes to ANC register to pick available triage data for the patient in a particular visit
  4. Changed HEI register to base on birth cohorts instead of patients
  5. Clearing of openmrs tmp cache directory

Installation procedure

  1. download the upgrade package and unzip it to the home folder
  2. Open the terminal and change directory to the unzipped folder using the
    cd /path/to/kenyaemr_17.0.0_to_17.0.1
  3. Execute the setup script using the following on the terminal:
  4. Access KenyaEMR on the browser and provide admin credentials to proceed with the installation
  5. Wait for the process to complete

Note: You may need to clear cache after process completion

Training Materials

Migration Tool 4.3 - IQCare to CPAD

30 Nov 07:43
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The CPAD to IQCare migration toolkit.

In PgAdmin create an empty database e.g. databasename
a. (Please note postgresql is case sensitive so use lowercase all letters to be safe)
2. From Start Menu on Windows search for SQL Shell (psql) and open - A black window that looks like cmd will pop up
3. Press Enter for all options (Server,Database,Port,Username) until you get postgres=#
4. Enter the following commands
a. \c databasename (databasename is the name of the db you created on pgAdmin
b. \i pathToWhereDBis e.g. \i 'C:/cpad_kaluo.sql' (see quotes, see slashes)
5. Once you press enter you should see a series of commands showing database is being restored.
6. To confirm that there was restoration on pgAdmin
a. Double Click on the databse you have just restored
b. click new Query and type select * from tblpatient_information then click the green play button for the list of records to show. This is just to make sure data was successfully restored.
Make sure the db to be restored is saved in C or D and NOT on the desktop
Rename the cpad .sql database name so as to make the db name shorter
Restore an empty iqcare db,
Stop iqcare service,
Run the migration tool,
If successful it will prompt you.


06 Aug 10:14
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Afya STAT is an integrated health mobile application built on the CHT platform. The vision of the application is to be a one stop shop for all mobile services.

It supports the HTS and KP Program Areas.

URL for Installation and User Guide:

IQTools v3.6.2

13 Jan 13:31
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IQTools v3.6.1 introduces:

  1. OTZ register and
  2. OTZ monthly report.

Installation and Training Materials

Call Helpdesk for any questions 0800 722 440 or email

IQTools v3.6.0

02 Sep 12:15
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IQTools v3.6.0

To install IQTools v3.6.0:

  1. Backup existing IQTools KeHMIS database.
  2. Uninstall existing IQTools.
  3. Install the new IQTools inv3.6.0 release.
  4. Restore the IQTools database in v3.6.0 release.

To fix existing appointments (addresses categorization of Pending, Missed and Met appointments in both IQCare and IQTools), run the attached script called Fix_Existing_Appointments_Status_From_Oct_2018 in IQCare 2.1.1 release.

Installation and Training Materials

Contact Helpdesk for any questions 0800 722 440 or

IQTools ver 3.5.6

05 Jun 13:57
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Installation :
Uninstall IQTools
Delete the Palladium Group Folder in C:\Program Files (x86)
Install IQTools
Give Permissions to the newly created Palladium Group Folder in C:\Program Files (x86) (– Full control to the trusted installer under security tab)

Change Log

Reporting & Registers:
• MoH731 populates HTS Section
• Updated HTS Lab register as per the new guidelines
• Updated HTS Referral and Linkage Register
• Updated HTS Provider report (Monthly)
• Added OPD MoH 705 A&B
• Added OPD MoH717
• Generate accurate Patient Summary report for Transfer Outs
• Completeness Query for Green Card Data - Under Validation Tab
• Automatic reporting to DHIS2 with new disaggregation for interoperability (AIR)
• Included the New Regimens FMAP
• Updated FCDRR Data population
• Daily activity register calculates the numbers of patients seen in the month as opposed to those current in care and on ART

mUzima - PSmart

06 Jun 11:55
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Fixed Issues in HTS mUzima/PSMART module

  1. Where a network challenge has been encountered, the app does not send multiple files.
  2. User is able to read a card written by any EMR .
  3. App does not crashes when user changes server details and attempts to read a card
  4. Client tested with EMR then retested on app shows two HTS result entry when the card is read on the interactor.
  5. mUzima app does not crashes when user tries to access the Provider Reports
  6. Contact HIV Status captured in the mUzima app is reflected in the List of Contacts form when viewed in the EMR

Issues Pending Fixes

  1. Publishing the mUzima application on google appstore

New Features

  1. Provider reports
  2. PSMART read
  3. PSMART write

Installation Guidelines

  1. Download the PSMART app from google appstore and install.
    a. Allow installation of apps from Unknown sources in settings tab
  2. Download mUzima app : muzima-android-2.2.0.apk from this palladium git repo, copy it in the test phone/tablet using a cable or Bluetooth.
  3. Locate the saved mUzima app in the phone/tablet and double click to install.
    a. Allow installation of apps from Unknown sources in settings tab
  4. mUzima server configuration requirements:
    Download and import the four html forms to the Muzima KenyaEMR Server:
    a. muzima_registration.html
    b. HTS.Form.html
    c. Referral_and_Linkage.html
    d. contact_listing_form.html
    e. HTS_provider_reports.htm
  5. Muzima server access modes:
    a. Remote server :
    Username: admin
    Password: Admin123
    b. Local server
    URL: local server IP:8080/openmrs
    Username/Password: Use local user access credentials

LiveHAPI ver 1.0.7

05 Jun 13:05
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Live HTS API is an API based middle ware tool for Afyamobile and IQCare for HTS data exchange


1..NET Core 2.1 SDK

  1. Microsoft SQL server 2014 and above
  2. Download LiveHAPI

After installation, navigate to http://localhost:4747/dashboard to configure Database connections and EMR endpoints

IQCare Release 22nd August, 2018

06 Nov 08:44
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Bugfixes Release:

1.Patient Sync Duplication
2. 0 index insert Error
3. Add Support for Afya Mobile multi-facility HTS data collection
4.Reported Bug fixes.
5.Access to LiveHAPI statistics
5.Reported BugFixes

IQCare ver

05 Jun 13:40
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Enhanced IQCare for Interoperability, PSmart, and HTS.

To install IQCare run IQCare.Web.Setup,exe

Same upgrade procedures as defined in

2.IQCare Management
3.IQCare Service
Other Files
1.Scripts folder
2.batch.bat to run all the database updates