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Contains dbt models for transformations in the DWH

Setting up locally


  1. Make sure you have python installed: Python 3.8 and above. You can get this from
  2. For Windows preferably use Git Bash as your terminal. Download the git package here (It will include git bash)
  3. Make sure you have a PostgreSQL client to interact with your PostgreSQL database e.g PgAdmin, DBeaver, Azure Data Studio etc


  • Clone the repo from GitHub and cd to the root folder`

  • Create a python virtual environment by running: python -m venv <name_of_environemt> (e.g. python venv venv)

  • Activate virtual environment by running: source venv/Scripts/activate

  • Once virtual environment is activated make sure you are using the latest pip by running: python -m pip install --upgrade pip

  • Install dbt adapter for postgres by running: pip install psycopg2-binary==2.9.6 and then python -m pip install dbt-core dbt-postgres

    • Make sure that the libraries install succesfully without any errors
  • After installing run version check to confirm dbt is installed in your virtual environment dbt --version

  • Create a .env file on the root folder and paste the following environment variables (make sure there is no space between):

    export DBT_USER_DEV=<postgres user>
    export DBT_PASSWORD_DEV=<postgres password>
    export DBT_DATABASE_DEV=<database to build models on>
    export DBT_SERVER_DEV=<server ip address>
    export DBT_SCHEMA=<default schema to build models on>
    export DBT_PROFILES_DIR=./profiles/

    For DBT_SCHEMA make sure you have a schema in the development Postgres instance that you will use to build your models & datasets. Ideally call it dbt_<name_of_dev>

  • Run source .env to load your environment variables.

  • Make sure you have the config file profiles.yml inside the profiles folder with the following configarations:

  target: dev
      type: postgres
      host: "{{ env_var('DBT_SERVER_DEV') }}"
      database: "{{ env_var('DBT_DATABASE_DEV') }}"
      schema: "{{ env_var('DBT_SCHEMA')}}"
      port: "{{ env_var('DBT_PORT_DEV') | int }}"
      user:  "{{env_var('DBT_USER_DEV')}}"
      password: "{{ env_var('DBT_PASSWORD_DEV') }}"
      threads: 4

Common commands to interact with dbt

  • dbt deps - pulls the most recent version of the dependencies listed in your packages.yml from git
  • dbt compile - generates executable SQL from source
  • dbt run - runs all models in the models folder
  • dbt run --select <model_name> - runs a specified single model e.g dbt run --select stg_healthcare_data
  • dbt run --select <path/to/my/models> - runs all models in a specified directory e.g dbt run --select dimensional_layer
  • dbt seed - loads csv files (typically not for large files)
  • dbt test - runs tests against your models and seeds
  • dbt build - builds models, tests, seeds and snapshots based on dependancies
  • dbt docs generate - generates your project's documentation
  • dbt docs serve - starts a webserver on port 8000 to serve your documentation locally

For more info on commands see here:


Cotains dbt models for transformations in the DWH






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