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Vlad edited this page Feb 11, 2015 · 1 revision

Influxer metrics support scopes of two types: default and named (just like ActiveRecord).

class VisitsMetrics < Influxer::Metrics
  default_scope, -> { time(:hour) }
  scope :by_user, ->(id) { where(user: id) if id.present? } 

# default scope
VisitsMetrics.all #=> select * from visits group by time(1h)

# named scope
VisitsMetrics.by_user(1) #=> select * from visits group by time(1h) where user_id=1

# unscoped
VisitsMetrics.unscoped.by_user(1).time(:day) #=> select * from visits group by time(1d) where user_id=1
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