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3_Programming environment

Rok Palhartinger edited this page Jan 28, 2015 · 4 revisions

There is a lot of options to choose. I doesn't wan to rewrite all the sentences about this thematic, that hes been written on the links at References page. Here i will put only the brief options. To program uC there is mainly some version of C programming languages. But for now i find the three main options:

  1. The Arduino way: There is great project that Roger Clark porting an Arduino IDE from ATMEL TO ARM.

  2. The mbed way: The mbed project is similar to Arduino, but have an online cloud IDE, which is great, because yo doesn't need to setting up a ToolChains, backups, git integrated... Have also some disadvantages, and for me, the main disadvantage is that doesn't easily support the STM32F103C8T6. So, if you still want to use mbed i recommend it to choose an STM32F103RBT6 whic is compatibile with ST Nucleo F103RB board.

  3. The classic C way: This one is the hardest to start, but after a while you will really understand how uC works. A have been an Arduino fan for a couple of years now, and yield a great results with it. It's great for the beginners(Arduino), but you have such great support, that you doesn't really need to know what happening in the back stage. And then when you want a little more you break in the wall, that you would't climb'it not even in a dreams. The real C programming is like "sky's the limit". So i choose the hard way! First i install the few IDE's. This may not be the true reference, because i am still fresh on this. I try coocox, IAR, em::Blocks, eclipse.

My experience:

coocoox free IDE, promising (it was my first, so i will try it again)

IAR free for 32k, promising (but i couldn't find out how to create a hex file, needed for usart programming)

em::Blocks free IDE, love at first sight...

eclipse + toolchain, good, a little hard to setup, works on Mac, Win, Linux, a lot of plugins

I will probably choose the eclipse, because it is so modular, widely supported...

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