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Version 0.1.1

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@paleolimbot paleolimbot released this 04 Oct 19:24
· 56 commits to master since this release

Release 0.1.1 fixes comments from the 0.1.0 version from CRAN, notably making references to external functions more explicit. Submitted with the comments:

While I explicitly specify my use of
  functions in the sp package within my own code (e.g.
  sp::plot()), not loading the sp package when loading
  this package doesn't make sense because users expect
  plot() to mean sp::plot() when working with sp and

Received the following back from CRAN (apparently submitting comments was not any use):

Thanks, we se:

* checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
Package in Depends field not imported from: 'sp'
  These packages need to be imported from (in the NAMESPACE file)
  for when this namespace is loaded but not attached.

Please fix,

Uwe Ligges