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PHP Redis Session Handler Cloud Native Buildpack

A Cloud Native Buildpack for configuring a Redis session handler in PHP apps.

The buildpack generates an .ini configuration snippet to allow for connecting to an external Redis server as a session handler. The host, port, and password are configurable via service bindings.


The PHP Redis Session Handler CNB provides nothing, and only requires php at launch time. It detects on the presence of a service binding of type php-redis-session.

Service Binding Configuration

As mentioned above, the buildpack participates in the build if the user provides a service binding of type php-redis-session.

The build command will look like:

pack build myapp --env SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT=/bindings --volume <absolute-path-to-binding>:/bindings/php-redis-session

Inside of the binding itself, the following configuration can be set:

  • host or hostname (Default Redis instance IP address
  • port (Default 6379): Redis instance port
  • password (No default): Redis instance password, if there is one

The configurations from the service binding are parsed and used to create a php-redis.ini file with session configurations. The php-redis.ini file is available in the PHP Redis Session Handler buildpack layer on the image, and its path is appended to the PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR for usage when the app starts up.


To package this buildpack for consumption:

$ ./scripts/

This builds the buildpack's Go source using GOOS=linux by default. You can supply another value as the first argument to

Run Tests

To run all unit tests, run:


To run all integration tests, run:


Debug Logs

For extra debug logs from the image build process, set the $BP_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to DEBUG at build-time (ex. pack build my-app --env BP_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG or through a project.toml file.