An online ticktacktoe game. Live demo here.
A multiplayer ticktacktoe game running on react + node.js + mysql. This is my personal project made for educational purposes.
- 1 v 1 ticktacktoe
- spectator mode
- chat
- statistics
- Node.js - 16.14.1
- mariadb - 10.5
- express - 4.17.2
- jsonwebtoken - 8.5.1
- react - 17.0.2
- cors - 2.8.5
- redux - 4.1.2
- ws
First, you need to install MySQL and set it up. The file createTables.session.sql in the DATABASE folder contains two query commands with which you can create necessary database tables.
You also need to install NodeJS from here.
Next you have to create .env in server and include all of the variables from .env.example:
- ACCESS_SECRET_TOKEN='longSequenceOfChars'
`- REFRESH_SECRET_TOKEN='longSequenceOfChars'`
- DB="name_of_database"
- DBhost="database_host_address"
- DBport=3306
- DBuser="user_name"
- DBpassword= "password"
- NODE_ENV= "development" || "production"
Next you have to install the modules, build react app and move it to server folder and run the server. You can do that by running npm run install-modules
, npm run build-react
and npm run run-server
(or you can use npm run initial
) from base location.
Note: Production build needs an ssl cert and private key included in ssl folder (+
var in .env)
Project is: in progress
This project is using icons from
Many thanks to Web Dev Simplified for his tutorials and tips regarding js and css.
Created by pajavilc - feel free to contact me!