I try to add esp32 nat features to arduino-esp32 framework based on this esp-idf nat example for esp32: https://github.com/jonask1337/esp-idf-nat-example
As those features are not fully enabled on arduino-esp32 compiled sdk. I have to recompile it enabling those features.
For that porpouse I have to install esp-idf in order to use idf.py menuconfig
(before used make menuconfig) to select the specific sdk.
To recompile esp-idf I have found useful the next comments:
- espressif/arduino-esp32#1142 (comment)
- espressif/arduino-esp32#1142 (comment)
- https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/blob/master/docs/esp-idf_component.md
However, I have discovered that espressif provides some tools within esp32-arduino-lib-builder to help to recompile it for arduino-esp32 framework. And since the nat feature seems to be available already here and I just need to recompile sep-if to enable those features.
So I have directly cloned on my rpi 2 the esp32-arduino-lib-builder and run the build.sh script. After I could re-conpile the sdk, I have modify the sdkconfig.esp32 file to add the LWIP ip forward and NAT featues using idf.py menuconfig and re-compile it again:
It will be exported under esp32-arduino-lib-builder/dist a .gz file containning the libs that it should be placed under framework-arduinoespressif32 folder that you can find under C:\Users\<your-user>\.platformio\packages\
I have created a fork to arduino-esp32 repo containing this compiled lib, so It can be used from platformio.ini instead copiying manually with (TO BE CONFIGURED...):
platform_packages =
framework-arduinoespressif32 @ https://github.com/paclema/arduino-esp32#lwip_enabled
To compile it correctly, you will need to replace the C:\Users\<your-user>\.platformio\packages\toolchain-xtensa32\
with the content of this version: