This protocol is used to exchange events and data between members in a packtrack network.
Example message:
PT control/throttle/display
speed: 0.52
Hello, World!
Each message must start with a PT
A route follows, consisting of lowercase latin letters, -
and numbers conisting of multiple, /
-separated segments.
There is no leading or trailing /
For future extensions, parsers must ignore everything after the route.
None or multiple headers follow, which may or may not have a value.
A unique header name may contain lowercase latin letters, -
and numbers.
The name is terminated by :
, after which an arbritary text value may follow.
The value may contain a :
, the only illegal character is a \n
If no :
is found, the value of the header is boolean true
, indicating a flag.
A header must end with a new line.
Space may be limited on embedded devices, where a cap on header count may be set no smaller than 32.
A body may be provided, which starts after the first \n\n
found in the message.
The body can contain text or binary data.
Each header must be named after one of the values in the following list. This is not enforced in code, but serves as a measure to prevent conflicting, duplicate or confusing header names. Open a pull request if you require a new name.
Values with a F
indicate flag values.
: Indicates the vendor of an accessory
: Speed values (0 - 100)reverse
F: Reverse direction