This Github repository contains the code to reproduce the figures and results from the preprint "Pseudoalignment facilitates assignment of error-prone Ultima Genomics reads" by Sina Booeshaghi and Lior Pachter.
Metadata was retrieved with ffq
ffq -o ffq_GSM6297378.json GSM6297378 # Single-cell Illumina
ffq -o ffq_GSM6297379.json GSM6297379 # Single-cell Ultima
ffq -o ffq_GSM6190598.json GSM6190598 # Perturb-seq Illumina
ffq -o ffq_GSM6190599.json GSM6190599 # Perturb-seq Ultima
and downloaded with wget
# Illumina single-cell count matrices
wget --quiet --show-progress
wget --quiet --show-progress
wget --quiet --show-progress
# Ultima single-cell count matrices
wget --quiet --show-progress
wget --quiet --show-progress
wget --quiet --show-progress
# Perturb-Seq Illumina Cell Line
wget --quiet --show-progress
# Perturb-Seq Ultima Cell Line
wget --quiet --show-progress
FASTQ files can either be downloaded directly or converted from SRA files
# download FASTQ files directly
wget --quiet --show-progress # Illumina R1
wget --quiet --show-progress # Illumina R2
wget --quiet --show-progress # Ultima R1
# Download SRA files and covert to FASTQ files
wget --quiet # illumina
wget --quiet # ultima
# convert SRA file to FASTQ files
fasterq-dump ./SRR20002551 --split-files --include-technical
fasterq-dump ./SRR20002550 --split-files --include-technical
The human pseudoalignment index was downloaded with kb-python
kb ref -d human -i index -g t2g.txt
The human HISAT2 index was downloaded and decompressed
tar -xvf grch38_genome.tar.gz
The TMSB4X fasta was downloaded with gget
, and indexed with kallisto
and hisat2
# download tmsb4x fasta
gget seq -o TMSB4X_ENST00000380636.1.fasta ENST00000380636.1
# build kallisto index
kallisto index -i index TMSB4X_ENST00000380636.1.fasta
# and t2g map
echo -e "ENST00000380636\tENSG00000205542\tTMSB4X" > t2g.txt
# build hisat2 index
hisat2-build -p 16 TMSB4X_ENST00000380636.1.fasta genome
Illumina reads have the following structure:
- (read 1) 16bp cell barcode
- (read 1) 12bp umi
- (read 2) 55bp cDNA
Reads were pseudoaligned to the human transcriptome and to the TMSB4X gene using kb-python
# pseudoalign to transcriptome
kb count --strand unstranded -o out-transcriptome -i human/index -x 10xv3 -g t2g.txt --h5ad -m 16G -t 16 SRR18145553_1.fastq.gz SRR18145553_2.fastq.gz
# pseudoalign to tmsb4x
kb count --strand unstranded -o out-tmsb4x -i tmsb4x/index -x 10xv3 -g t2g.txt --h5ad -m 16G -t 16 SRR18145553_1.fastq.gz SRR18145553_2.fastq.gz
Alignments and alignment stats were made using samtools
and hisat2
# map to tmsb4x
hisat2 -p 32 -x tmsb4x/genome -U SRR18145553_2.fastq.gz -S output.sam
# convert sam to bam and filter unmapped reads
samtools view -bS output.sam | samtools view -b -F 4 > mapped.bam
# indel stats
samtools stats mapped.bam | grep ^ID | cut -f 2- > indels.txt
# base counting
samtools view mapped.bam | cut -f10 -d$'\t' | tr -d '\n' | wc -c
Ultima Genomics reads have the following structure:
- (read1) 22bp insert
- (read1) 26bp cell barcode
- (read1) 12bp umi
- (read1) 12bp polyT homopolymer
- (read1) XXbp cDNA
Reads were pseudoaligned using kb-python
# entire cDNA
kb count --strand unstranded -o out_full-transcriptome -i human/index -x 10xv3_Ultima -g t2g.txt --h5ad -m 16G -t 16 SRR18145555.fastq.gz
# 55bp maximum length cDNA
kb count --strand unstranded -w 10x_version3_whitelist.txt -o out_trim_55_max-transcriptome -i human/index -x 0,22,38:0,38,50:0,62,117 -g t2g.txt --h5ad -m 16 -t 16 SRR18145555.fastq.gz
bc umi min 55bp cDNA
kb count -x 0,22,38:0,38,50:0,62,117
The Ultima Genomics reads were trimmed so that the minimum cDNA length was 31bp with seqkit
# trim cDNA reads
seqkit subseq -r 63:-1 SRR18145555.fastq.gz | gzip > cdna_63.fastq.gz
# keep cDNA reads longer than or equal to 31 bp
seqkit seq -m 31 cdna_63.fastq.gz | gzip > cdna_31_min.fastq.gz
Alignments and alignment stats were made using samtools
and hisat2
# map to tmsb4x
hisat2 -p 32 -x tmsb4x/genome -U cdna_31_min.fastq.gz -S output.sam
# convert sam to bam and filter unmapped reads
samtools view -bS output.sam | samtools view -b -F 4 > mapped.bam
# indel stats
samtools stats mapped.bam | grep ^ID | cut -f 2- > indels.txt
# base counting
samtools view mapped.bam | cut -f10 -d$'\t' | tr -d '\n' | wc -c