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A straightforward scheduling web app for my cell group. The scheduler is essentially a custom Excel/GSheets table with some added rules to check if entries are valid to save the moderator some headaches. There are 2 groups of people who use this together. The moderators will have (semi)private access to the edits page (the addresses for edits used in the live page are different from the one in the repo), while everyone else will just see the read-only table. Authentication was not implemented because it is generally for a small group of people who know one another.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • Python 3.6+, Django
  • Other Python dependencies are listed in requirements.txt
  • React with Redux
  • Other JS dependencies listed in frontend/package.json
  • Bash for simple, automated scripts (ex. annual DB cleanup)

Layout of the Project

The project uses React with Redux as the frontend to manage data, handle Ajax requests, and handle UI behavior. To retrieve and post data, it treats the Django server as a same-origin API and then updates the Redux store with new data. The UI rerendering automatically follows.

Installing and Running

Fork the repo, then clone your fork with git clone. Make sure to have a .env file to plug in private variables into Django. The .env file should have the values:

SECRET_KEY=[[your secret key here]]
DATABASE_URL=[[your database url here]]

You can generate a secret key here.
If you would instead just like to test with a local SQLite DB, replace the DATABASES variable in the cgscheduler/ file to

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': 'db.sqlite3',

Run commands:
$ python makemigrations home to generate the script for tables in the database
$ python migrate to apply changes to the database
$ python collectstatic to collect static CSS/JS files
$ ./ to transpile SASS and run Python server $ ./ react to transpile SASS,

Visit the following URLs:

Built With

  • Python Django
  • ReactJS + Redux
  • SASS
  • PostgreSQL
  • Heroku
  • Shell scripts
