Manage your clients using this web project
This web project allows you to manage your clients. All your clients will be saved using JSON-Server in case of page reload.
- Fast and easy to use
- Edit or remove existing clients
- Beautiful interface
- Validate form information
- Adjust the content to the screen size
- And more!
- Vite + React.js
- Node.js (NPM)
- React Router 6
- Tailwind
- JSON Server + My JSON Server
- Formik + Yup
- Netlify
- Visual Studio Code
- Install Node.js and JSON-Server
- Run the following commands in your terminal
git clone
cd CRM-React
npm install
npm run dev
- To finish, run the following command in a new terminal located in the same folder
json-server --watch db.json --port 4000
Note: If you have an error running the server check to have the execution of .ps1 files enabled here.