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My Journey to Becoming a Software Engineer

Within this repository, I will document my evolution as a software engineer. Maintaining a record of our progress is invaluable. When I first embarked on my programming journey, I envisioned a way to reflect on my past decisions. This repository stands as a testament to that vision, a chronicle of my growth in the world of software engineering.

Programming Changes My Life

Day 1817-18-19-20-21-22 Completed Udemy AWS Course

During these days I completed the Udemy Ultimate AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 course. I continue working on my AWS Cloud Practitioner certification and learning about Cloud Computing in general. Also I learned the NIST definition about what is Cloud Computing, the Essentials characteristics, the service model and deployment models.

Day 1815-16 Continue with AWS Certification

Over the weekend, I continued studying for the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification. I'm working on the final parts of the course to prepare for the exam. Today, I studied the AWS Well-Architected Framework, which helps create a cloud environment that follows enterprise and best practices. AWS has many cloud services, which can be frustrating as it's hard to grasp the basics of each one.

Day 1814 Reading Software Engineering at Google book

Today I continued reading the software engineering at google book. I learned about how google measure the productivity using the GSM (Goal, Signal and Metric) methodology. A goal can be improve security in the code, the signal can be how much vulnerabilities are detected in the code and reduce the number of code vulnerabilities introduced in the new code, how do you when the goal was completed? well get a setup and review if the expected metric was achieved. It's interesting how Google some really ambiguous problems with good methodologies and achieve great results.

Day 1813 Learning Other Data Processes Tools

Today I was investigating other data processing tools like Beam and Flink. Working with Airflow is good, but the problem is require a lot of resources to setup and run an local Airflow environment with Docker, so I am looking for alternatives like creating my pipeline with Apache Beam and package into a container to be executed in my Kubernetes cluster as a cronjob with Java obviously, also I want to learn Data Engineering with Java, I know Python is good but Java is better (my personal opinion).

Day 1812 Continue with Airflow DAG

Today I continue working on my Airflow DAG, most of my time today was used to read some blogs from Netflix and also watch some youtube videos about data engineering. I am looking for an alternative to Airflow but to work with Java code, Python is great but is consuming a lof of my compute resources.

Day 1811 Working with Spark in Airflow

Today I can't create a Spark session from an Airflow DAG to my local Spark cluster, I have various problems with this approach related with my Airflow cluster is working in a container environment, and my Apache Spark is installed locally in my machine. In the Udemy course that I did last week, I learned how to run a task with the Docker operator in a container environment, and running the task in a container environment is a good way, the problem with this approach is that we can't share data between the tasks in this way. Well, I will have to continue investigating how to solve this problem and learn different ways to work with Spark and Airflow.

Day 1810 Another DAG

Today I created a Airflow DAG to extract some JSON data from an open API using the HTTP operator, also I created a another DAG to monitor the pull request created into a GitHub repository, if the commit messages have some pattern, the DAG is executed and print some elements in the console. Building these basics DAGs is helping me to understand Airflow concepts and practicing Python and Airflow.

Day 1809 Studying Apache Airflow

Today I continue studying about Apache Airflow. I spend some time setup an Airflow environment in my MackBook only with pip and using the Airflow pip package, running Airflow in this way works at the first time, but starts to fail with the time and I don't know why, investigating more about the issues I discovered that configure an Airflow environment with pip is not recommended and complicated, well at the end I continue executing Airflow in my local machine using the astro CLI tool from Astronomer. I completed the Astronomer Get started wih Airflow tutorial in which I learned how to configure the local environment very easy with the astro CLI tool and also learn some new concepts about Airflow.

Day 1807-08 Setup Airflow and Spark

I have been installing, setup and configuring Apache Airflow and Spark in my personal server to start developing DAGs in a production environment. I installed Airflow and Spark following the official documentations with Docker, really was hard configured both applications to be able to use in my Ubuntu server. I am going to start some data pipelines to create datasets and publish them in Hugging Face.

Day 1806 Backfill dagruns in Apache Airflow & Hugging Face

Today I studied how to execute a DAG in Apache Airflow for a specific date, this process is calling backfilling. Imagine that you change your DAG and you want to execute your old DAG executions with these new features, well with backfill you can rerun the DAG for a specific date. Also I was looking the Hugging Face website, I want to create a dataset to store the stock information about the FAANG companies.

Day 1805 Visualizing Data in Metabase

Today I fixed the issue when loading the data from a Minio bucket to a PostgreSQL database, I configured wrong the connection in the Airflow connections section. When I upload the data to PostgreSQL I used Metabase to visualize the data, Metabase is a powerful tool to visualize data in a simple way, I created a dashboard to visualize the data that I uploaded to the database. I configured to visualize the historical data of the stock price of IBM company and also the current price for the stock.

Day 1803-04 Docker Operator and Astro

I learned and executed a task inside a Docker container. Airflow has a DockerOperator that allows you to run a task inside a Docker container, this feature is very useful to execute task in an isolated environment and avoid install dependencies to Airflow only to be used one time. I am working into load a CSV file in a Minio bucket to a PostgresSQL database with the astro library, I am having some problems attempting to connect to the Minio bucket to download the file. I am going to continue working on this task tomorrow.

Day 1802 DAGs, Task, PythonOperator in Airflow

Today I continue studying Apache Airflow, I continue learning about how to create DAGs creating some basic examples to make simple data pipelines, A DAG in Airflow contains N number of tasks, this task needs to be executed in a step order and also a task can't have a dependency with a previous task. in Airflow if you have a DAg with 10 task you can execute only one task standalone with the CLI, this is a good way to test the execution of a task. PythonOperator in airflow is a way to execute a python function as a task, two main arguments are necessary to create a PythonOperator, task_id and python_callable, task_id is the name of the task in airflow and python_callable is the function that you want to execute as a task. My first impressions about airflow are very good, I am developing a data pipeline to extract financial stock data from Yahoo Finance using web scraping and next upload the extracted data into a Database for the moment I don't know if use a SQL or NoSQL database to store the information.

Day 1801 Continue with AWS Certification

Today I continue studying for the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification. I studied some AWS service like Application Migration Service, DataSync, Step functions, Ground station, Migration Hub, etc.

Day 1 - 50 HTML - CSS - Javascript here
Day 51 - 100 Javascript here
Day 101 - 150 Javascript here
Day 151 - 200 Javascript here
Day 201 - 250 Javascript and start React JS here
Day 251 - 300 Javascript - React JS here
Day 301 - 350 Javascript - React JS and start Node JS here
Day 351 - 400 Start learn MERN stack here
Day 401 - 450 MERN stack - Docker - Typescript - TDD here
Day 451 - 500 Object Oriented Programming here
Day 501 - 550 Data Structures and Algorithms here
Day 551 - 600 Java
Day 601 - 650 Java here
Day 651 - 700 Java and Spring Boot here
Day 701 - 750 Java | Spring Boot | MySQL here
Day 751 - 800 Java | Spring Boot | MySQL here
Day 801 - 850 Java | Spring Boot | OCI here
Day 851 - 900 Java | Design Patterns here
Day 901 - 950 Java | Design Patterns here
Day 951 - 1000 Java | Design Patterns here
Day 1001 - 1050 Java | New Job here
Day 1051 - 1100 Java | Python | Cloud Computing here
Day 1101 - 1150 Java | Containers | Cloud Native Development | OpenShift here
Day 1151 - 1200 Java | Containers | Python | Security here
Day 1201 - 1250 Java | Python | Security | English here
Day 1251 - 1300 Java | Python | Security | English | Soft-Skills here
Day 1301 - 1350 Java | Python | Spark | Microservices here
Day 1351 - 1400 Java | Python | Design Patterns | Microservices here
Day 1401 - 1450 Java | Design Patterns | CI/CD here
Day 1451 - 1500 Java | Design Patterns | CI/CD here
Day 1501 - 1550 Java | Python | Data Analytics | CI/CD here
Day 1551 - 1600 Java | Python | Data Analytics | CI/CD here
Day 1601 - 1700 Java | Python | ReactJS | Data Structures and Algorithms here
Day 1701 - 1750 Java | Go | DSA | A Common-Sense Guide to DSA Book here
Day 1751 - 1800 Java | Python | DSA | AWS Cloud Practitioner | Data Engineering here


My road to become a software engineer








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