Image resizing with the Seam Carving algorithm.
To show program's usage, use -h
~$ java SeamCarvingLauncher -h
SeamCarving : Available options
-c <img> <out> .... compress an image to a pgm file
-g ................ get greyscale for ppm and save as pgm
-h ................ displays help
-d <begin> <end> .. delete pixel between those columns
-i ................ increase lines/rows instead of cropping
-k <begin> <end> .. keep pixel between those columns
-l ................ use long method instead of simple
-lines ............ crop lines instead of columns
-t ................ toggle values (color inversion)
-v ................ enable verbose mode
You can crop an image, either PPM or PGM,
use -c source target
and add -v
if you want to watch the progress.
- Cropping a PGM:
~$ java SeamCarvingLauncher -c PortablePixmaps/pgm/ex1.ppm resized.pgm -v
Progress :
[====================] 100% (50 row(s) handled)
| Successfully removed 50 columuns in 9898 ms
| New image saved in:
| resized.pgm
- Cropping a PPM:
~$ java SeamCarvingLauncher -c PortablePixmaps/ppm/cake.ppm resized.ppm -v
Progress :
[====================] 100% (50 row(s) handled)
| Successfully removed 50 columuns in 24724 ms
| New image saved in:
| resized.ppm
- Cropping a PPM with a lots of options:
~$ java SeamCarvingLauncher -c PortablePixmaps/ppm/cake.ppm type_swap_output.pgm -v -g -t -lines -i
Progress :
[====================] 100%
| Increasing size
| Lines used
| Values correctly inverted
| Saved as ppm instead of pgm
| Successfully removed 50 columuns in 19074 ms
| New image saved in:
| type_swap_output.pgm
- Cropping a PGM with the double Dijkstra's method:
~$ java SeamCarvingLauncher -c PortablePixmaps/pgm/totem.pgm totem_out_double.pgm -l -v
/!\ WARNING: double Dijkstra take a huge amount of time
Progress (Using double Dijkstra):
[====================] 100% (50 row(s) handled)
| Using Double Dijkstra
| Successfully removed 50 columuns in 1107473 ms
| New image saved in:
| totem_out_double.pgm
- Arg parser
- Forward energy
- Lines handling
- Marking pixels as to delete
- Marking pixels as to keep
- PPM handling
- PPM to PGM
- Progress bar
- Toggle values (PPM and PGM)
- .pgm saving function
- .ppm reading function
- .ppm saving function
- Arg parser
- Conversion from .ppm to .pgm
- Dijkstra implementation
- Double Dijkstra implementation
- Double Dijkstra optimization
- Documentation
- Forward energy implementation
- Interest evaluation functions
- Lines handling
- redaction
- Seam Carving implementation for .pgm
- Seam Carving implementation for .ppm
- Size augmentation
- Toggled values for .pgm and .ppm
- Array to graph translation
- Dijkstra implementation
- Double Dijkstra implementation
- Documentation
- Seam Carving implementation for .pgm
- Seam Carving graph transformation with double vertices
- Seam carving double graph generation