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Client API

p3nt4 edited this page May 3, 2020 · 20 revisions

Client API

Nuages is based on FeatherJS, so referring to the FeatherJS documentation is a good way to get started:

The example clients can also be used as an example.


The following RESTful objects can be accessed using the API:

Object Url Description Restrictions
Implants /implants The implants managed by the Nuages instance Implants can only be deleted
Jobs /jobs The jobs assigned to implants Jobs can be created but cannot be modified by the user
Files /files The GridFS files stored on the Nuages server This API is a wrapper against the MongoDB GridFS objects created in the database. It should only be used for find/get/remove operations. Creating files is done through pipes
Modules /modules The modules loaded by the server Modules can be created but cannot be modified by the user
Module runs /modules/runs Used to track a module run Modules runs can be created but cannot be modified by the user
Handlers /modules The handlers loaded by the server Handlers can be created and deleted
Listeners /listeners The active handler instances Listeners can be created and deleted
Users /users The Nuages users Multi user support will be added in the future, additional users cannot be created yet
Pipes /pipes Duplex pipes used for interactive channels, tunneling or downloading/uploading files Pipes can be created and deleted
Tunnels /tunnels Tunnels are ports listening on the server, on connections they will create a pipe and a job for a handler to communicate with that pipe Tunnels can be created and deleted
Logs /logs Logs for different modules/listeners to communicate with the client Logs can only be read by clients

Additional Endpoints

The following additional endpoint can be used:

Url Method Description
/modules/load POST Used to load a module into the database
/handlers/load POST Used to load a handlers into the database
/listeners/startstop POST Used to stop or start listeners
/pipes/io POST Used to communicate with a pipe

Object examples


  "_id": "9IEF644Nka5oT1oeAEE085yMKGut8y2y", // The id of the implant
  "createdAt":1556122589365, // The creation time of the implant
  "lastSeen":1556122589365, // The last heartbeat of the implant
  "hostname": "John-PC", // The hostname of the implant
  "username": "John", // The Username of the implant
  "localIp": "", // The local IP of the implant
  "sourceIp": "", // The remote IP of the implant, this would need to be filled by the handler
  "os": "windows", // The OS of the implant
  "handler": "Direct", // The type of handler
  "connectionString": "", // The connection used by the implant
  "options": {}, // Additional optional fields
  "supportedPayloads": [ //The payloads supported by the implant


    "_id":"xqq5oU0lMOOTKAaMhro14FolxptVpAhY", // The Job ID
    "implantId":"9IEF644Nka5oT1oeAEE085yMKGut8y2y", // The Implant ID
    "timeout":1556122717740, // The timeout (implemented server side)
    "fileUpload": false, // Informs the server that a file must be created to receive the output of the job (Optional)
    "chunkSize": 2400000, // If a file must be created, the size of the chunks of that file (Optional)
     fileName: "test.txt", // If a file must be created, the name of the file in the DB  (Optional)
     pipe_id: "9IEF644Nka5oT1oeAEE085yMKGut8y2y", // If a pipe is used by the job, and should be deleted when it ends (Optional)
    "payload": //The payload of the job, refer the implants API documentation for common payloads
    "createdAt":1556122657741, // The job creation date
    "lastUpdated":1556122657741, // The last time the job was updated
    "jobStatus":0, // The job status (0:Submitted, 1: Received, 2: Awaiting more data from the implant, 3: Succeeded, 4: Failed)
    "result":"" // The job result 


Refer to the GridFS documentation for additional information

  "_id" : "RqNIUE93b9X6QynUezjpIwETArSDTyLW", // The file ID
  "metadata" : 
    "path": "N/A", // The original file path, for files uploaded by implants
  "length" : 20, // The file (encoded in base64) size in bytes
  "filename" : "calc.bat", // The file name
  "uploadedBy" : "user" The implant/user who uploaded the file
  "chunkSize" : 2400000, // The chunk size
  "uploadDate" : 1556136458023 // The upload date


  "_id": "5cc0bee3a2902a19bc6c69c6", // The module ID
  "name": "windows/admin/download_and_run",  // The module name
  "options": {  // The module options
    "file": {  // The name of the option
      "value": "", // The default value of the option
      "required": true, // Is this option required
      "description": "The ID of the file to download" // The description of the option
    "path": { "value": "C:\\Temp", "required": true, "description": "The path to download the file to" }, 
    "arguments": { "value": "", "required": false, "description": "The arguments to execute the program with" }, 
    "implant": { "value": "", "required": true, "description": "The ID of the implant" } }, 
  "supportedOS": [ "windows" ], // An array of supported OS
  "description": "Downloads and runs a file on the target implant", // The module description
  "requiredPayloads": [ "Command", "Download" ] // The list of payloads the implant must support


  _id: ""
   name: "external/http/aes256_py"
   options: {python: {}, port: {}, key: {}, uri: {}, directory: {}} //options, see modules for example
   description: "HTTP handler using AES256 encryption" // Description
   external: true //The handler requires the creation of an external process

Module Runs

   "_id":"06jJkWYJCrGIelFI3x1OYM8G3w0BGtRi", // The run ID
   "createdAt":1556134947236, // The creation time
   "lastUpdated":1556134947282, // The last update time
   "moduleName":"windows/admin/download_and_run", // The module being run
   "creator":"user", // The creator of the run
   "options":{  // The options of the run
         "description":"The ID of the file to download"
         "description":"The path to download the file to"
         "description":"The arguments to execute the program with"
         "description":"The ID of the implant"
   "moduleId":"5cc0a8a83c3c3418bc73e5b2", // The ID of the module
   "runStatus":4 //The status of the run (0:Submitted, 1: In progress, 3: Succeeded, 4: Failed)


   _id: "UQVHUz1RET2fBY52RHRplCcBkW3DuYAC"
   createdAt: 1587402009441
   handlerName: "external/http/aes256_py"
   creator: "user" // Listener creator
   options: {python: {}, port: {}, key: {}, uri: {}, directory: {}} // Options, see modules run for examples
   handlerId: "5e9dd5082c19333adccab961"
   runStatus: 3 // Status 1 = Submitted, 2 = Stopped, 3 = Running, 4 = Failed
   external: true // If this required the creation of an external process
   pid: 9856 // The PID of the external process if needed
   lastUpdated: 1587404142529 


        id: 'btSU37icUh6KgitvxdvlnBvGgioUKHgx', // Dont ask...
       _id: 'btSU37icUh6KgitvxdvlnBvGgioUKHgx',
       implantId: 'vzu1SgOdpo80gWAsx8V1rOTevC9vI7IM',
       type: 'interactive',
       destination: 'cmd.exe',
       bufferSize: 4096  

Additional endpoint examples


  "_id": "9IEF644Nka5oT1oeAEE085yMKGut8y2y", // The id of the file


  "id": "9IEF644Nka5oT1oeAEE085yMKGut8y2y", // The id of the file
  data: {} // Data is not actually needed

POST /modules/load

  "modulePath": "windows/admin/download_and_run" // The path of the module to load

POST /handlers/load

  "handlerPath": "external/http/aes256_py" // The path of the handler to load

POST /listeners/startstop

  "wantedStatus": 2 // 2 for Stopped, 3 for Start
  "id" : "9IEF644Nka5oT1oeAEE085yMKGut8y2y" // The id of the listener

POST /pipes/io

  "in": "", // Data, base64 encoded
  "maxSize": 0, // A maximum of bytes to read from the pipe
  "pipe_id" : "9IEF644Nka5oT1oeAEE085yMKGut8y2y" // The id of the pipe


  "out": "" // Data, base64 encoded