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ozb-jartools: JarFinder and JarGrep

Two useful command line apps to search for entries and content in Java standard archives (jar/war/ear) files (or even zip files if specified).

These tools are implemented with Scala 2.9.3 on the JVM. So you need a Java Runtime Environment or JDK >= 1.6 to run these tools.


JarFinder lets you find archive entries recursively under a given directory.

Usage: JarFinder [options] <dir> <pattern>

  -i | --ignorecase
        ignore case
  --include <name pattern>
        include only archives whose name match the pattern
  -a | --allarchives
        all archives (include zip files)
        <dir> : directory to search in
        <pattern> : pattern to look for

Here are some example usages:

Example 1

Find all occurances of 'Exception.class' entries (files) inside all the (jar/war/ear) archives under the "./Middleware/weblogic_10.3.6" dir:

$ jarfinder ./Middleware/weblogic_10.3.6 EJBException.class

sample output:

looking for [EJBException.class] in dir [.]
 ==> javax/ejb/EJBException.class
 ==> javax/ejb/NoSuchEJBException.class
 ==> javax/ejb/EJBException.class
 ==> javax/ejb/NoSuchEJBException.class
 ==> javax/ejb/EJBException.class
 ==> javax/ejb/EJBException.class
 ==> javax/ejb/EJBException.class
 ==> javax/ejb/NoSuchEJBException.class
 ==> javax/ejb/EJBException.class
 ==> javax/ejb/NoSuchEJBException.class
found 10 entries in 876 processed archives, scanned 584 directories
in 917 millis

Example 2

A more complex example:

find all files matching "*Hierarchical*gif" (ignoring case) in archives whose name matches "*ui*jar" under the ~/Dev/Eclipse dir

$ jarfinder -i --include *ui*jar ~/Dev/Eclipse *Hierarchical*gif

sample output:

looking for [*Hierarchical*gif] in dir [/Users/ajo/Dev/Eclipse] including archives matching .*ui.*jar
 ==> icons/full/elcl16/hierarchicalLayout.gif
 ==> icons/full/dlcl16/hierarchicalLayout.gif
 ==> icons/full/elcl16/hierarchicalLayout.gif
 ==> icons/dlcl16/hierarchicalLayout.gif
 ==> icons/elcl16/hierarchicalLayout.gif
 ==> icons/full/dlcl16/hierarchicalLayout.gif
 ==> icons/full/elcl16/hierarchicalLayout.gif
 ==> icons/full/elcl16/hierarchicalLayout.gif
 ==> icons/obj16/hierarchical.gif
 ==> icons/dlcl16/hierarchicalLayout.gif
 ==> icons/elcl16/hierarchicalLayout.gif
 ==> icons/full/dlcl16/hierarchicalLayout.gif
 ==> icons/full/elcl16/hierarchicalLayout.gif
found 13 entries in 350 processed archives, scanned 1713 directories
in 5303 millis


JaFinder is a nice tool to locate a given pattern (package, class, …) within a set of archives, yet sometimes it's helpful to search for text within archive entries (ex: when searching source code). Enter JarGrep.

JarGrep lets you search for text within a given archive or recursively within archives located under a directory.

Usage: JarGrep [options] <pattern> <file>

  -i | --ignorecase
        ignore case
  -v | --verbose
        show informartion on each file/entry processed
  -r | --recurse
        recursively process the given directory
  --enc <encoding>
        use given encoding instead of platform's default. Ex. 'UTF-8' or 'ISO-8859-1'.
  --include <name pattern>
        include only archives whose name match the pattern
  --includeEntry <name pattern>
        process archive entries whose name match the pattern
  -a | --allarchives
        all archives (include zip files)
        <pattern> : pattern to look for
        <file> : archive file to grep or directory to recurse into

Note: text search is done in text files only, not binary files

Example 1

Search for all occurances of 'WLSTTask', recursively in all archives under the modules/ directory

Note: This may take some time depending on the number of archives and the number of text entries within the archive

$ jargrep -r WLSTTask ./modules/


looking for [WLSTTask] in dir [./modules]
      line 25 :
      line 255 :
found 2 matches in 2 entries and 2 archives, processed 96548 entries and 576 archives
in 7854 millis

Example 2

Search for all occurances of 'PreferencesDialog' in java files, recursively in all archives matching '*source*jar' under the eclipse/ directory using the ISO-8859-1 encoding for reading text files

Note: forcing the encoding is sometimes necessary to prevent exceptions. If you experience a java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1 exception, try forcing the encoding as in the example below

$ jargrep -r --enc ISO-8859-1 --include *source*jar --includeEntry *.java "PreferencesDialog" eclipse/


looking for [PreferencesDialog] in dir [./eclipse] including archives matching .*source.*jar including entries matching .*\.java
      line 886 : 			 * @see org.eclipse.ui.preferences.ViewPreferencesAction#openViewPreferencesDialog()
      line 888 : 			public void openViewPreferencesDialog() {
      line 889 : 				openPreferencesDialog(getMarkerEnablementPreferenceName(),
      line 903 : 	private void openPreferencesDialog(String markerEnablementPreferenceName,
      line 120 : 			 * @see org.eclipse.ui.internal.preferences.ViewPreferencesAction#openViewPreferencesDialog()
      line 122 : 			public void openViewPreferencesDialog() {
      line 35 : 		openViewPreferencesDialog();
      line 41 : 	public abstract void openViewPreferencesDialog();
found 8 matches in 3 entries and 2 archives, processed 21928 entries and 191 archives
in 6249 millis


For convenience, I have packaged the tools and all its dependencies (including scala runtime) in a single jar file (using sbt-assembly).

So, all you need is a JVM 1.6+.

  1. Download the ozb-jartools-dist-0.2.jar
  2. Run JarFinder
    java -cp path/to/ozb-jartools.jar org.ozb.utils.jartools.JarFinder
  3. Run JarGrep java -cp path/to/ozb-jartools.jar org.ozb.utils.jartools.JarGrep

You may want to create an (bash) alias in your .profile / .bashrc, ex: alias jarfinder='java -cp path/to/ozb-jartools.jar org.ozb.utils.jartools.JarFinder'


The jartools are written in Scala and use sbt (0.12.3) to build.
I have compiled it with scala 2.9.3 and Java 1.6.


As defined in build.sbt, the code depends on

"com.github.scopt" % "scopt_2.9.2" % "2.1.0" withSources(),
"org.ozb" %% "ozb-scala-utils" % "0.1" intransitive() withSources()
  • scopt is a library to parse command-line arguments
  • ozb-scala-utils is a library containing various scala utilities


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


Well, when coding I often need to find classes or source code excerpts within source jars (like in the Eclipse source code for instance) and I missed such a tool that let me quickly and easily find source code files matching what I'm searching.
Hence JarFinder and JarGrep.
Hope it can be useful to someone else !


tools for finding stuff within java archives







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