Zonal Statistics
This library calculates the intersections of two different geospatial datasets. It helps answer questions like:
- what districts felt an earthquake?
- how much area experienced a tropical cyclone?
npm install zonal
If you want to compute zonal statistics using vector zones with vector classes:
import { calculate } from "zonal";
const zones = { "type": "FeatureCollection": [...] };
const classes = { "type": "FeatureCollection": [...] };
const results = calculate({
zone_properties: ["ParishName"],
class_properties: ["wind_speed"],
// modify zones in-place
// adding aggregate statistics to
// geojson feature properties
preserve_features: true,
// delimiter used when serializing classes
// with multiple properties to strings
class_properties_delimiter: ",",
// default is false
// deletes zonal features that have no overlap with the classes
// examples include districts not covered by a hurricane
// or cities that can't feel an earthquake
remove_features_with_no_overlap: true,
// default is true
// set to false to filter out table rows for
// parts of zones that don't intersect a class
include_null_class_rows: true
result is the following object:
table: {
columns: ["zone:ParishName", "class:wind_speed", "stat:area", "stat:percentage"],
rows: [
// ...
"zone:ParishName": "Concordia",
"class:wind_speed": "90 km/h",
"stat:area": 32134688,
"stat:percentage": 0.01649868113083538
// ...
geojson: {
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: [
type: "Feature",
properties: {
"zonal:zone_id": ["Acadia"],
"zonal:stat:area": 1708349991,
"zonal:stat:minority": "60 km/h",
"zonal:stat:majority": "60 km/h",
"zonal:stat:percentage": 1,
"zonal:stat:sum": 1708349991,
// zonal stats for each of the classes that overlap the zone
"zonal:stat:classes": {
"60 km/h": {
area: 1708349991,
percentage: 1
// null represents the area of the zone that doesn't intersect classes
"null": {
area: 0,
percentage: 0
geometry: { /* ... */ }
// ...
// ...