FS golf #857
10 errors
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Argument of type '"storeImage"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"instagram" | "twitter" | "name" | "description" | "website"'.
Run static tests
Argument of type '"storeImage"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"instagram" | "twitter" | "name" | "description" | "website"'.
Run static tests
Type '"storeImage"' is not assignable to type '"instagram" | "twitter" | "name" | "description" | "website"'.
Run static tests
Property 'id' does not exist on type '{ __typename?: "OrderProduct" | undefined; orderId: string; productId: string; product: { __typename?: "Product" | undefined; id: string; name: string; images: { __typename?: "Image" | undefined; id: string; path: string; }[]; }; }'.
Run static tests
Property 'id' does not exist on type '{ __typename?: "OrderProduct" | undefined; orderId: string; productId: string; unitPrice: number; quantity: number; product: { __typename?: "Product" | undefined; id: string; name: string; images: { ...; }[]; }; }'.
Run static tests
Type '{ __typename?: "ProductConnection" | undefined; edges: { __typename?: "ProductEdge" | undefined; cursor: string; node: { __typename?: "Product" | undefined; id: string; name: string; description: string; unitPrice: number; quantity: number; images: { ...; }[]; }; }[]; pageInfo: { ...; }; }' has no matching index signature for type 'number'.
Run static tests
Module '"../../types/api"' has no exported member 'StatPeriod'.
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Type '{ __typename?: "ProductConnection" | undefined; edges: { __typename?: "ProductEdge" | undefined; cursor: string; node: { __typename?: "Product" | undefined; id: string; name: string; description: string; unitPrice: number; quantity: number; images: { ...; }[]; }; }[]; pageInfo: { ...; }; }' has no matching index signature for type 'number'.
Run static tests
Type '{ backdropComponent: (props: BottomSheetBackdropProps) => Element; modalRef: RefObject<BottomSheetModalMethods>; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & BankSelectModalProps'.
Run static tests
Property 'id' does not exist on type '{ __typename?: "StoreManager" | undefined; storeId: string; managerId: string; store: { __typename?: "Store" | undefined; id: string; name: string; }; }'.