Welcome to the my repository! Here you'll find code so powerful, it's been known to bring even the darkest developers back to the light side. May the forks be with you! 🍴✨!!
JavaScript: A widely used programming language for web development, known for its versatility and ability to create interactive client-side and server-side applications.
Typescript: A superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing to JavaScript code. It is widely used for developing both client-side and server-side applications.
React: An open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces, especially for single-page applications.
Node.js: A server-side JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to build scalable web applications.
Express.js: A fast, flexible, and minimalist web framework for Node.js, used to create web applications and APIs.
Nest.js: A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable web applications. It uses TypeScript and is inspired by the Angular architecture.
Java: Currently learning Java, a versatile programming language widely used for enterprise application development, mobile apps, and more.
C#: Also learning C#, a programming language developed by Microsoft and used primarily for Windows app development, gaming, and web applications using the .NET framework.
PostgreSQL: An open-source relational database management system, known for its reliability, robustness, and advanced features.
MySQL: An open-source relational database management system widely used, known for its reliability and ease of use.
MS SQL Server: A relational database management system developed by Microsoft, widely used in corporate environments.
MongoDB: An open-source NoSQL document database, known for its flexibility and scalability.
DynamoDB: A fully managed NoSQL database service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), known for its scalability and performance.
Redis: An open-source, in-memory data store used as a cache, session store, and message broker.
AWS (Amazon Web Services): A widely used cloud services platform that offers cloud computing, data storage, and other infrastructure services to help businesses scale and grow.
GCP (Google Cloud Platform): A suite of cloud services offered by Google, which includes cloud computing, data storage, data analytics, and machine learning.
Docker: A software platform that simplifies the process of building, deploying, and running applications in containers.
VSCode: A lightweight and highly configurable source code editor, developed by Microsoft. It supports various programming languages and is highly extensible.
Git: A widely used distributed version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development.
Jira: A project management tool that helps teams plan, track, and manage software development work.
Bitbucket: A Git-based version control system that allows you to host, share, and collaborate on code repositories with your team.
- Scrum: An agile and iterative project management framework that helps teams work collaboratively to achieve goals more efficiently.
Clean Code: A set of principles and practices aimed at writing clear, concise, and easy-to-understand code, facilitating maintenance and future development.
OOP (Object-Oriented Programming): A programming paradigm that organizes software into objects that can interact with each other to perform tasks.
SOLID: An acronym for five principles of software design (Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion) that promote code modularity, flexibility, and extensibility.
- E-mail: otiodarth@gmail.com