This page contains additional material related to the paper "Visual word spatial arrangement for image retrieval and classification" published in the Pattern Recognition journal in 2014.
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Visual word spatial arrangement for image retrieval and classification PENATTI, O. A. B. ; SILVA, F. B. ; VALLE, E. ; GOUET-BRUNET, V ; TORRES, R. da S. In: Pattern Recognition, volume 47, number 2, p. 705-720, 2014.
author = {O. A. B. Penatti and F. B. Silva and E. Valle and V. Gouet-Brunet and R. da S. Torres},
title = {Visual word spatial arrangement for image retrieval and classification},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = {47},
number = {2},
issn = {0031-3203},
year = {2014},
pages = {705-720}