A "clearing house" collection of childhood/youth resilience measures for the Central Oregon TRACES (trauma, resiliency, and adverse childhood experiences) partnership with United Way of Deschutes County.
This is a Rails application, and using PostgreSQL is assumed. After cloning this repository, create your database:
rails db:setup
This will create the database, migrate the schema and create an initial admin user for you. See db/seeds.rb for the default username and password.
This application uses the recaptcha gem
which in turn requires that the environment variables RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY
be set. Since the Gemfile includes the
figaro gem, use it to store environment-
based config. Generate an empty config file:
figaro install
Obtain a recaptcha secret key and site key for localhost, and edit config/application.yml. For example, your config/application.yml might look like this:
Now run the application:
rails server
This application uses rspec. Run the test with spring for speed:
spring rspec
A Guardfile is also present in this project, and it is pre-configured to
run rspec with spring. To use it, just run guard
as usual.
© 2019 Nathan Struhs, Yong Bakos. All rights reserved.