docker build lib/c/build -t symbolica/build:latest
docker run -v <path-to-user-code>:/code symbolica/build:latest
docker build lib/cpp/build --build-arg BUILD_BASE_IMG_TAG=latest -t symbolica/build-cpp:latest
docker run -v <path-to-user-code>:/code symbolica/build-cpp:latest
docker build lib/translate -t symbolica/translate:latest
docker run -v <path-to-user-code>:/code symbolica/translate:latest <declarations>
Note, we don't publish a latest
tag because we prefer to use SemVer instead, even if Docker doesn't natively support it.
Our stable images will be tagged according to the tags in this repository and the versions are aligned with the NuGet package versions.
If you're using the docker images in conjunction with the NuGet packages, it's best to make sure you're using a tag for the docker images that matches the NuGet package version you're using.