Little epoll-based fiber scheduler. No dependencies besides LuaJIT.
Related to / a spin-off of
MIT license.
Only tested on Linux on a Raspberry Pi 4.
I don't know what I'm doing, so take this code with a grain of salt. You can make concurrent fibers (coroutines, green threads, whatever) that can block until a file descriptor is readable. The only type of file descriptor I actually tested is timerfd, so all they do in the example is sleep for periods of time, but it's supposed to generalize to sockets and stuff.
$ luajit little-epoll-fiber-scheduler.lua
0.00 A: hello
1.00 A: it's been 1 second
2.00 [B: hi! 2s in]
5.00 [B: hi again! 2s + 3s in]
6.00 A: it's been another 5 seconds
(the two fibers A and B run concurrently & interleave!)