A C# Unreal I/O UAsset Editor
- Mount I/O containers (.utoc) and read packages compressed with Oodle
- Deserialize unversioned uassets with provided mappings
- Modify uasset data/ properties easily
- Serialize the modified asset back into a file
// Start logging
// Create system
var system = new UnrealFileSystem(@"C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Content\Paks");
// Add aes keys
system.AesKeys.Add(new FGuid(), new FAesKey("0x0000...")); // Replace with your game's AesKey
// Start a stopwatch
var sw1 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
// Mount containers
// Write stats
Console.WriteLine($"Read all in {sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms.");
// Load mappings
system.LoadMappings("path/to/usmap/++Fortnite+Release-33.11-CL-38773622-Windows_oo.usmap", "path/to/dll/oo2core_9_win64.dll (if needed)");
// Initialize Oodle
// Extract the asset
if (!system.TryExtractAsset(
out var asset))
throw new KeyNotFoundException("Unable to find asset.");
// Start a stopwatch
var sw2 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
// Read everything
// Write stats
Console.WriteLine($"Read all in {sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms.");
var json = asset.ToString(); // Convert to Json String
File.WriteAllText("CID_028_Athena_Commando_F.json", json);
// Get ItemName Property
var text = asset["CID_028_Athena_Commando_F"]?["ItemName"]?.GetValue<TextProperty>();
if (text?.Value == null)
throw new NoNullAllowedException("Could not get ItemName property!");
// Set new FText value
text.Value.Text = "Very cool item!";
// Create a writer with the file "CID_028_Athena_Commando_F.uasset"
var writer = new Writer("CID_028_Athena_Commando_F.uasset");
// Serialize the asset and dispose the writer
// Create a new ZenAsset with the asset with just serialized
var testAsset = new ZenAsset("CID_028_Athena_Commando_F.uasset");
// Set the GlobalReader instance
var globalToc = system.GetGlobalReader();
// Set mappings
testAsset.Mappings = system.Mappings;
// Test if it reads our asset properly
- Export Types (Blueprints, etc.)
- Paks and versioned uassets
- Desktop app
- Documentation (wip)
This project was heavily based on CUE4Parse with the goal of recreating Unreal Engine's asset reading and writing functionality as an easy to use API