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This project is only a module from larger set of tools for iOS UIViews and thus, has been moved to []


Use this library if you want to create views FAST without creating a pesky .xib file for every single view.


Just create the dynamic view and add the subviews you would like to use.

import UIDynamicView

private func popFactsDialog() {
   // build the dynamic view with all of the props
   let dv = UIDynamicView()
   dv.prepareView(parentView: view,
                  padding: 14,
                  margin: 14,
                  maxWidthPercentFromParent: 0.65)
   dv.dropShadow(shadowRadius: 5.0)
   // add the title
   let topTitleProps = InitialLabelProps(text: "Teletubbies",
                                         textAlignment: .center,
                                         font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20, weight: .bold))
   dv.addView(initialProps: topTitleProps)
   // add the image
   let imgProps = InitialUIImageViewProps(imageName: "tt",
                                          widthPercentFromParent: 0.3,
                                          tag: 99,
                                          alignment: .center)
   dv.addView(initialProps: imgProps)
   // add the description
   let descriptionProps =  InitialLabelProps(text:
       Teletubbies is a British children's television series
       created by Ragdoll Productions' Anne Wood and Andrew
       Davenport for BBC.
       textAlignment: .left,
       font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 17)
   dv.addView(initialProps: descriptionProps)
   // add the footer buttons
   let nextFactButton = InitialButtonProps(labelText: "Previous Fact",
   alignment: .left,
   tapSelector: #selector(onPreviousFactTap))
   let nextBtn = InitialButtonProps(labelText: "Next Fact!",
                                        alignment: .right,
                                        tapSelector: #selector(onNextFactTap))
   let footerStackViewProps = InitialStackViewProps(subviewsInitialPropsList: [nextFactButton, nextBtn])
   dv.addView(initialProps: footerStackViewProps)
   dv.attachView(parentView: view)
@objc func onPreviousFactTap() {
@objc func onNextFactTap() {

OR another example:

import UIDynamicView

private func popHelpDialog() {
   // build the dynamic view with all of the props
   dv = UIDynamicView()
   dv.prepareView(parentView: view,
                  padding: 14,
                  margin: 14,
                  maxWidthPercentFromParent: 0.65)
   dv.dropShadow(shadowRadius: 5.0)
   // add the title
   let topTitleProps = InitialLabelProps(text: "Help",
                                         textAlignment: .center,
                                         font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20, weight: .bold))
   dv.addView(initialProps: topTitleProps)
   // add the description
   let descriptionProps =  InitialLabelProps(text:
       Please watch the below video to understand how to use the app
       textAlignment: .left,
       font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 19)
   dv.addView(initialProps: descriptionProps)
   // add the youtube video
   let videoProps = InitialYoutubeVideoProps(videoId: "BywDOO99Ia0",
                                             widthPercentFromParent: 0.75,
                                             alignment: .center)
   dv.addView(initialProps: videoProps)
   // add the footer button
   let okBtnProps = InitialButtonProps(labelText: "OK",
   alignment: .right,
   tapSelector: #selector(onOkBtnTap))
   dv.addView(initialProps: okBtnProps)
   dv.attachView(parentView: view)

Dialog Wrapper

You can also use the dialog wrapper for a faster dialog buildup (the Controller Connection example)

import UIDynamicView

private var dialogWrapper: UIDialogWrapper!
   private func popDialog() {
       // prepare the dialog
       dialogWrapper = UIDialogWrapper(parentView: view, margin: 20, maxWidthPercentFromParent: 0.6)
       // set title and description                                
       dialogWrapper.setTitle(text: "Controller Connection")
       dialogWrapper.setTopDesription(text: """
               NOTICE: iOS 13.0 is required to connect your controller via Bluetooth

               - With your Xbox controller, long click on the Xbox and pairing buttons together, until the Xbox button will start flashing
               - In your iPhone/iPad, go to Settings app -> tap on Bluetooth -> activate it
               - Look for the Xbox Controller in the list of devices, click on it and approve the connection
               — You're all set!
               """, size: 16)
       // add bottom description, youtube video and footer        
       dialogWrapper.setBottomDesription(text: "** UPDATED: 10.4.2020")
       dialogWrapper.setYoutubeVideo(videoId: "wPV0QtYm-4o", widthPercentFromParent: 0.75)
       dialogWrapper.setFooter(leftBtnText: "Cancel", rightBtnText: "Ok", leftBtnTapSelector: #selector(onLeftTap), rightBtnTapSelector: #selector(onRightTap))
       // attach the view to it's parent
       dialogWrapper.attachView(parentView: view)
   @objc func onLeftTap() {
       print("on left tap")
   @objc func onRightTap() {
       print("on right tap")


UIDynamicView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'UIDynamicView'




UIDynamicView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.