This is a collection of scripts that I use on my Linux machines. I license these scripts as GPLv3 (refer to the file COPYING)
I would classify them in categories:
Scripts related to Qatar, the frequency (daily, weekly) is controlled in crontab. qatarnewspapers: Sends a daily email containing links to the pdf files of Arabic newspapers from Qatar. qatarmovies: Sends a weekly email of the movie times.
Scripts to fix filenames. fixarabicfilename: Change the codepage of filenames from cp1256 to UTF8 fixarabicnumfilename: Change the numbers in files from unicode "Hindi" numbers to normal Arabic number. fixext: Fix the extensions of files depending on the content of the file.
rs: custom rsync command run: run a command in the background, hiding output and errors. csv2mysql: creates an SQL script to create a table and insert all the rows. The first row should have the field names.
flight2coords: retreives the location of a flight from a website. garmin2kml: gets the waypoints stored in a Garmin GPS device and stores in a KML file. gpx2kml: converts waypoint files from GPX to KML. kml2garmin: puts the waypoints stored in a KML file into a Garmin GPS device.
Get from the internet getytpls: gets all the videos in a Youtube playlist. getsite: mirrors a website.
m4b2mp3all: converts all m4b files into mp3. rm2mp3: converts real media rm files into mp3 (audio). mp3ize: converts any file into mp3 (audio) mp3merge: merges multiple mp3 files into one. whitenoise: generates white noise.
These scripts deal with compressed files.
rarmaxdel: creates a RAR file containing the files at maximum compression, and deletes them. unrarall: unrar all the files given to it. unzipall: unzips all the files given to it.