Live coding application for Alterna Dev06 Back-end Fundamentals
Download and install .net 7
Install PGSQL and PGAdmin.
dotnet tool update dotnet-ef --version 7.0.10 --global
Verify Instalation
dotnet --version
dotnet ef
donet build
dotnet test
dotnet ef database update
dotnet run --project Okane.WebApi/Okane.WebApi.csproj
Read this article
Download VS Code
Install the following extensions:
Contain business rules for the application.
- Entities
- Domain Services
Contains coordination logic between entities and gateways.
Implement logic that works as an intermediary between the data-access/gateway layer and entities.
Objects that work as inputs and outputs for service objects.
Validate DTOs.
- Repository Interfaces
Implement logic to access, create, update and delete data. Each method should be the equivalent of a database query.
Http interface for the application.
- Controllers
- Dependency Injection Configuration
- Unit tests
- Sample test data